
  • 网络The Crossing
  1. 对穿越国境的商品和资源流动放宽限制。

    Liberalize the cross-border movement of merchandises and resources .

  2. 他说他宁愿墨西哥劳工们呆在这里,而不是非法穿越国境去美国打工。

    He says he would prefer to have Mexican laborers remain here rather than cross the border illegally to work in the United states .

  3. 八月二十八日,阿尔及利亚决定允许载有卡扎菲家人的梅赛德斯武装车辆穿越国境,这看起来实在令人恼火。

    Still , Algeria 's decision , on August28th , to let a convoy of armoured Mercedes cars take members of the colonel 's family across its border looked unusually provocative .