
  • 网络Across America;Transamerica;Over America
  1. 接着,他们出售这些鸟类独特而昂贵的羽毛给穿越美国和欧洲的女帽制造商。

    They then sold the birds'exclusive and expensive plumes to milliners across America and Europe .

  2. 他们飞车穿越美国西南部,警察紧追其后。

    They sped through the American southwest with the law hot on their heels .

  3. 我们可以发起一次象路易斯和克拉克穿越美国一样具有历史意义的对沙克尔顿环形山的工业探索,

    We can do it by jump-starting with an industrial Lewis and Clark expedition to Shackleton crater ,

  4. 你愿意和我驾车穿越美国吗,亲爱的?

    Will you take a road trip ( drive ) with me across the country , babe ?

  5. 著名的刘易斯和克拉克考察队借助这条河首次穿越美国西部。

    The famous Lewis and Clark exploration team used this river to first travel through the American West .

  6. 他的作品和艺术被拍成了纪录片的形式搭便车过伊拉克,骑机车七次穿越美国。

    His writing and art have documented hitchhiking through Iraq and crossing the United States seven times by motorcycle .

  7. 非法穿越美国西南部边境的女性和儿童数量猛增,目前白宫正在努力阻止。

    The White House is stepping up effort to stem a spike in woman and children crossing the south-west border .

  8. 1869年,两家公司的铁路贯通,彼此的火车在对方的铁轨上继续行驶,穿越美国大陆。

    In 1869 trains from both companies touched noses , and then one passed the other to continue across the country .

  9. 以上披露的情况,是令美国空军尴尬的最新一起事件。去年,由于美军的一架轰炸机误携6枚核弹头导弹穿越美国本土,空军方面不得不对此作出解释。

    The disclosure is the latest embarrassing episode for the airforce , which last year had to explain how a bomber mistakenly carried six nuclear missiles across the US .

  10. 你们大可以想象早期移民者穿越美国西部过程中,在科罗拉多大峡谷边缘看到的景象。

    One can only imagine the early settlers making their way across the American West and riding up to the rim of the Grand Canyon for the first time .

  11. 一加喷气式飞机穿越美国大陆要5个小时,但是旅客坐快速列车就需要48个多小时才能穿越美国。

    A jet plane crosses the continental United States in about five hours , but a traveler in an express train needs more than forty-eight hours to cross the country .

  12. 2007年,美国宇航局女宇航员丽莎•玛丽•诺瓦克为截住情敌,怕上厕所浪费时间穿着成人纸尿裤驱车几百英里穿越美国大陆找对方对质,据悉两人同时爱上了一个男同事。

    In 2007 former NASA astronaut Lisa Marie Nowak allegedly wore adult diapers when driving hundreds of miles across the United States without bathroom breaks to confront a suspected rival in a romance with a fellow astronaut .

  13. 杰森只用一辆自行车和他的双脚,穿越了美国数千公里。

    Using only a bicycle and his feet , Jason travelled thousands of kilometres across the United States .

  14. 1992年,他们在45天内,用细车和跑步两种方式穿越了美国,全程达3735英里。

    They have also biked and ran across the USA m 1992 with a total of 3735 miles in 45 consecutive days .

  15. 一对执着的年轻夫妇开休闲车载着这本圣经穿越整个美国,汽车挡板上还放了一个会摇头的耶稣玩偶;

    An earnest young couple is carting it cross-country in an RV with a bobble-head Jesus on the dash , asking tens of thousands of ordinary Americans to each hand-write one verse .

  16. 现年63岁的戴维斯女士此前从未穿越过美国。她说,她意识到“自己不知道一路会有怎样的风景”,于是就重走了沃霍尔的公路旅行。

    Having never traveled cross-country herself , Ms. Davis , 63 , said she recognized that she " didn 't know what the landscape looked like , " and recreated the artist 's road trip .

  17. 我更愿意用那些愿意驱车穿越半个美国

    I will spend more time with the person that drove half way around the country

  18. 他说他宁愿墨西哥劳工们呆在这里,而不是非法穿越国境去美国打工。

    He says he would prefer to have Mexican laborers remain here rather than cross the border illegally to work in the United states .

  19. 《美国风暴》是一档穿越时间穿越美国历史的节目,节目中小伙子们穿着一系列的装束,迎合了女看客们的幻想。

    American Storm is a journey through time and American history featuring the boys dancing in a series of vignettes that cater to women 's fantasies .

  20. 在美国方面,由于巴基斯坦未能采取足够措施抑制极端分子,也未能阻止阿富汗好战分子穿越边境,美国感到非常沮丧。

    On the U.S. side , there is that the Pakistanis are perceived not to be doing enough to rein in extremists or stop cross-border traffic by militants from Afghanistan .

  21. 在刚刚过去的夏季里,该团体穿越了半个美国到印第安纳波利斯演出。

    This past summer , the group traveled halfway across the United States to perform in Indianapolis .

  22. 他们穿越了太平洋和美国,期间还一起到黄石国家公园游玩,看到美国年轻人的亲热行为,感觉很震惊。

    Together they crossed the Pacific and the United States , where they spent some time in the Yellowstone National Park , shocked by the familiarity of the young American guide .