
  • 网络dress code
  1. 因为根据皇室穿衣法则,出席正式场合时,指甲只能是不加修饰自然色。

    As per royal dress code , only natural-looking nails are allowed to be worn at official royal events .

  2. 尼科尔:但是你从来没有乘坐过像这次一样的游轮,我坐过,所以我知道穿衣法则。

    Nicole : You 've never been on a cruise like this one , but I have , and there 's a dress code .

  3. 职业经理人的穿衣法则

    Rules of dressing for professional managers

  4. 时尚穿衣法则常被理解成非正式化穿着,但这个说法是错的。

    The modern trend in dressing behavior is usually referred to as one of increased informality , but this is misleading .

  5. 在录用你的时候,人事部的同事可能已经告知过你办公室的穿衣法则了,但如果你还是不太确定该怎么穿,保守一点总是没错的。

    HR probably told you about the office dress code when you accepted the job , but if youre not sure , err on the conservative side .