
huí guī
  • regression;regress;return;restoration;recurrence;throwback;flyback
回归 [huí guī]
  • (1) [regress]∶发生倒退或表现倒退;常指趋于接近或退回到中间状态

  • (2) [return]∶归回

  • 实现台湾回归祖国,完成祖国统一的大业

回归[huí guī]
  1. 族F回归是拓扑动力系统中的一个重要部分。

    Recurrence in Ferstenberg family is one of the important parts in topological dynamics .

  2. 文中应用扩展的半经典闭合轨道理论计算了Li原子在平行电磁场加一个振荡电场中的回归谱。

    Using a extending semi-classical closed-orbit theory , we calculated the time-dependent recurrence spectra of Li Rydberg atom in the parallel electric and magnetic field plus an oscillating electric field .

  3. 哈雷彗星将于2061年回归。

    Halley 's Comet is going to come back in 2061 .

  4. 卫生部部长呼吁传统家庭价值观的回归。

    The Health Secretary called for a return to traditional family values .

  5. 他急于让俄罗斯回归欧洲。

    He 's in a dash to get Russia back into Europe .

  6. 这场胜利的喜悦退去后,人们将不得不回归现实。

    Once the euphoria surrounding this victory subsides , reality must return .

  7. 他们将回归到用老方法耕地。

    They will revert to tilling the earth in an old-fashioned way .

  8. 她特别渴望离开城市,回归自然。

    She was very anxious to get away from cities and back to nature .

  9. 所有这些作家都回归到了教会权力这个主题上。

    The power of the Church is one theme all these writers return to .

  10. 经历了11年的自我流放后,他于1974年夏回归故里。

    He returned home in the summer of 1974 after eleven years of self-imposed exile

  11. 这个大厅的古老图案和彩色玻璃是对过去一个时代风格的回归。

    The hall is a throwback to another era with its old prints and stained-glass .

  12. 我们真的想回归到一种特权和精英政治的过时制度中吗?

    Do we really want a return to an antiquated system of privilege and elitism ?

  13. 你还记得那时候大家都有些厌倦电子音乐的嘈杂声而拔掉电子乐器回归到原声状态吗?

    Do you remember when everyone got a bit tired of electronic clutter and went unplugged and acoustic ?

  14. 你会收到一份《回归工作》计划,上面条理清晰地告诉你该如何将自己调整到最佳状态重返工作。

    You will be given a Back To Work plan which sets out how you can best help yourself .

  15. 避免婴儿摄入食糖的最好办法是让其回归自然的饮食,多吃新鲜水果。

    The best way to keep babies off sugar is to go back to the natural diet and eat lots of fresh fruit .

  16. 写完了具有未来色彩的《女仆的故事》之后,玛格丽特·阿特伍德的第七部小说《猫眼》回归到了人们较熟悉的题材上。

    Following the futuristic The Handmaid 's Tale , Margaret Atwood 's seventh novel , Cat 's Eye , returns to more familiar territory

  17. 即回归线趋于过高估计了y值。

    That is , the regression line would tend to overestimate the magnitudes of Y.

  18. 她怀有回归自然,'过自耕自食生活那一套不切实际的空想。'

    She has these airy-fairy notions about going about to nature and growing all her own food .

  19. 这一轮的干预标志着回归社会主义,甚至旧的混合经济么?

    Does this round of intervention mark a return to socialism ; or even the old mixed economy ?

  20. 而且这些回升代表了信心的回归,而信息是一种非常有力的经济力量。

    Yet these rallies also demonstrate the return of confidence , and confidence is a very powerful economic force .

  21. 它必须足够稳定,以消除泡沫,并让市场回归现实,但不能太快,否则会造成另一场信贷危机。

    It must be steady enough to deflate bubbles and bring markets back down to earth but not so quick that it creates another credit crisis .

  22. 因此,我们越是因为过度工作而失去平衡,就越能体现出能让我们回归平衡状态的活动的价值。

    Thus the more imbalanced we become due to overworking , the more value there is in activities that allow us to return to a state of balance .

  23. 生态学家克里斯蒂娜·波沙说:“对待这座岛的理念一直是,‘好的,消除威胁让岛屿回归它原本的样子’。”

    " Our philosophy with the island has always been , ‘ OK ,   remove the threats and let the island go back to what it was , ' " says ecologist Christina Boser .

  24. 在过去的五年里,我注意到父母又回归到青少年需要长辈的引导这一信条,而非20世纪下半叶流行起来的自由的“散养教育模式。

    Within just the past five years , I have noticed parents returning to a belief that teenagers need the guidance of elders rather than the liberal , " anything goes " mode of child-rearing that became popular in the second half of the 20th century .

  25. 也许我们离回归真正的烹饪并不遥远。

    Perhaps a return to real cooking needn 't be far off .

  26. 并非能够给人们一种训练,逐渐减少很可能让他们在彻底戒掉之前再次上瘾并且回归到以前的症状,这可能就是为何第二组成员中较少的人坚持到了最后。

    Instead of giving people practice , the gradual reduction likely gave them cravings and withdrawal symptoms before they even reached quit day , which could be why fewer people in that group actually made it to that point .

  27. 在一次试图使无人驾驶汽车生产回归底特律的努力中,密歇根州的立法者提出了一个可以使该州成为全美即使不是全世界开发无人驾驶汽车并让它们上路的最佳地点。

    In a bid to take production back to Detroit , Michigan lawmakers have introduced legislation that could make their state the best place in the country , if not the world , to develop self-driving vehicles and put them on the road .

  28. 那些想要回归“真实”而不是虚拟世界的人掀起了一股潮流,“BookCrossing”就属于其中一部分。

    BookCrossing is part of a trend among people who want to get back to the " real " and not the virtual .

  29. 每个人迟早都会回归自然,这肯定是真的。

    It must be true that sooner or later , everyone finds his or her way back to nature .

  30. 纸质书籍回归的原因是什么呢?

    So what is behind paper book comeback ?