
  • 网络retrospective assessment
  1. 山东省淄博市大气环境质量回顾评价与分析

    The Retrospective Assessment and Analyses about Air-quality of Zibo City in Shandong Province

  2. 四川省高速公路建设环境保护回顾评价

    Retrospective Assessment for Environmental Protection in Sichuan Highway Construction

  3. 目的回顾评价双向腔肺吻合术(BCPA)后早期,年龄因素对发绀改善情况的影响。

    Objective : To evaluate the influence of age on cyanosis in the early postoperative period after bidirectional cavopulmonary anastomosis ( BCPA ) .

  4. 重视石化工程项目环境影响的回顾评价

    On the Post - assessment of Environmental Impact for Petrochemical Engineering Project

  5. 开展环评回顾评价提高环评质量

    Heightening the Quality of Environmental Impact Assessment with Retrospective Evaluation

  6. 铁路噪声回顾评价及预测误差分析

    Analysis on Review Assessment and Forecast Error of Railway Noise

  7. 阿的平栓剂非手术女性绝育术有效性安全性回顾评价

    Retrospective Study on the Efficacy and Safety of Quinacrine Sterilization

  8. 四川省高速公路声屏障工程回顾评价

    Review Assessment on Highway Noise Barriers of Sichuan Province

  9. 杭州啤酒厂清洁生产示范工程回顾评价和追踪评价

    On Reviewing Assessment and Tracing Assessment of Cleaner Production Demonstration Project of Hangzhou Brewery

  10. 大气回顾评价的探索

    An Exploration of Atmospheric Environmental Reviewing Assessment

  11. 选择一个已建成的相似工程并进行回顾评价作为参考。

    Selection of an existing similar project and carrying out retrospective environmental assessment for reference .

  12. 大气环境影响回顾评价&胜利电厂一期工程

    Review and evaluation on free air environmental effect of the first-stage engineering of Shengli Power Station

  13. 胜利电厂一期工程环境影响回顾评价&污染源和污染治理措施回顾评价

    Environmental impact reassessment of the first phase project of Shengli Oil Field Power Plant reassessment of pollution source and its management

  14. 工程项目后评价是对已建成工程项目进行回顾评价,是项目建设程序中的最后一个阶段,也是固定资产投资管理的重要内容。

    Project Ex Post Evaluation is retrospective evaluation of the project in the final stage , but also an important investment in fixed assets management .

  15. 此外,重视环境管理和环境监测,开展水电工程对环境影响的回顾评价也是当务之急。

    In addition , the great attention to environment management and monitoring should be paid . It is also urgent to carry out the review and evaluation of the environment impacts of hydropower project .

  16. 文中第一部分回顾评价了资本市场效率的研究成果,对资本市场效率划分为内部交易效率、外部信息效率和宏观功能效率三个层次。

    In the first part of the paper , the former research achievements of the study area is reviewed and evaluated . Then the efficiency of the capital market is classified into three types : interior exchange efficiency , exterior information efficiency , and macro-function efficiency .

  17. DNA甲基化研究方法的回顾与评价

    Review and evaluation of methodology of research on DNA methylation

  18. 与手术结果对比,回顾性评价术前MRCP联合MRI定性及定位诊断。

    A retrospective study was conducted of pre-operation qualitative and orientative diagnosis by MRCP combined with MRI .

  19. 基于RS和GIS技术的生态环境影响回顾性评价&以福建紫金山矿区为例

    Retrospective Evaluation of Ecological Environment Impact Base on RS and GIS & Taking the Zijinshan mine in Fujian province as an example

  20. 目的应用期望膳食模式(DDP)对江苏省城乡居民1990-1999年膳食结构和2010年膳食模式进行回顾性评价和前瞻性研究。

    Objective : Retrospective and prospective studies on the quality of diet in urban and rural residents in Jiangsu Province .

  21. 目的探讨乳头括约肌预切开术在内镜逆行胰胆管造影术(ERCP)中的应用价值,对其在ERCP诊断和治疗中的作用和安全性作回顾性评价。

    Objective To discuss the clinical value of precut sphincterotomy ( PST ) in ERCP , with a retrospective evaluation of the efficacy and safety of PST during diagnostic & therapeutic ERCP .

  22. 目的通过超声心动图对17例新生儿ASO术前的回顾,评价左室血流动力学的改变和冠状动脉解剖类型的正确诊断在新生儿单纯完全性大血管转位(TGA)一期动脉转位术前的价值。

    Objectives To evaluate LV hemodynamic alteration and coronary artery anatomy patterns before arterial switch operation ( ASO ) for transposition of the great arteries ( TGA ) with intact ventricular septum ( IVS ) by echocardiography in 17 infants .

  23. 方法:回顾并评价28例采用保留伸肘装置的手术方式治疗儿童GartlandⅢ型肱骨髁上骨折的经过和效果。

    Methods To review 28 children with wildly displaced supracondylar fracture of the humerus ( Gartland grade ⅲ) treated using modified surgical technique , which did not damage muscles of elbow extension .

  24. 实验性近视模型变迁的回顾及其评价

    Philosophic Thinking of The Development of The Model in Experimental Myopia

  25. 在第二章中,我将回顾在评价方面做过研究的文章。

    The second chapter will review the relevant literature on assessment .

  26. 基因治疗的社会伦理问题:回顾与评价

    Social Ethical Problems in Gene Therapy : Review and Valuation

  27. 《晋图学刊》的回顾、评价和展望

    The Reviews , Evaluation and Prospect of Shanxi Library Journal

  28. 我们建立了所谓的回顾式评价流程。

    We have what we call a retrospective review process .

  29. 莱芜市无偿献血工作回顾及评价

    Recalling and Evaluation of No Charging to Give Blood in Laiwu City

  30. 目的:为了控制生殖激素放射免疫分析法常规测定的质量及回顾性评价测定的稳定性。

    Objective : To control the quality of RIA in reproductive hormone .