
  • 网络It Is Good to Go Home;NMG KTV;NMGKTV;New Melody;Something Nice Back Home
  1. 大家好,回家真好。-

    It 's good to be home , everybody . -

  2. 去参加舞会然后坐马车回家真好,第二天早晨麦格说道。

    It 's so nice to go to parties and drive home in carriages.said Mea , the next morning .

  3. 去参加舞会然后坐马车回家真好,第二天早晨麦格说道。其他人一直都是这样生活的,真希望我们也是。真希望我们是富有的。

    ' It 's so nice to go to parties and drive home in carriages . 'said Mea , the next morning . 'Other people live like that all the time , and I wish we could . I wish we were rich . '

  4. 她开车送你回家,真好。

    It was very nice of her to drive you home .

  5. 在纽约折腾一番后能回家的感觉真好。

    It feels good to be home after the wilds of New York .

  6. 回家的感觉真好啊。

    It felt so good being back home .

  7. 再次回家的感觉真好。

    It feels nice to be home again .

  8. 回家的感觉真好,好温暖,好温馨。

    Goes home the feeling is really good , good warm , good warm .

  9. 前一篇回家的感觉真好!

    Get back home feels so good !

  10. 回家的感觉真好!

    It 's good to be home !

  11. 回家的感觉真好,在太空中也感觉很好。

    It feels good to get back , and it also feels good to be in space .

  12. 回家的感觉真好,因为这些年的漂泊生涯已把自己的心态,调整的非常棒。

    Feeling at home , because over the years has drifted career our attitude , and adjust it very well .

  13. 回家的感觉真好,但是在奥运会结束数天前就离开北京是一个困难的决定。

    It 's always good to get back home , but leaving Beijing with several more days of the Olympics ahead was difficult .

  14. 我们彼此关照彼此照顾彼此保护回家的感觉真好

    We take care of each other , Look after each other , Protect each other . It 's good to be home .