
  • The Way Home;My Way Home;The Road Home
  1. 他已忘掉我们的名字也认不得回家的路。

    It keeps forgetting our names and getting lost on the way home .

  2. 放心,它认得回家的路。

    Don 't worry , sam , he knows the way home .

  3. 你认得回家的路吗?

    Can you find your way home ?

  4. 我尽快离开了。那天下午,我在离别三年之后踏上了回家的路。

    I got away as quick as I could . That afternoon I was on my way home after three years of absence .

  5. 鸽子能够飞行超过1770千米的距离之后,不需要借助任何的GPS或者信号灯找到回家的路。

    These cool little guys can travel over 1770 kilometers ( 1100 mi ) and find their way home without any GPS or flares .

  6. 他5分钟前给我打电话说他在回家的路上去剪发了。很明显这个女人是Tony的老婆。

    He phoned me five minutes ago to say he was stopping for a hair-cut on his way home .

  7. 我的问题是她能否找到回家的路。

    My question is whether she can find her way home .

  8. 有条回家的路有条回家的路

    Theres a Way back home Theres a Way back home .

  9. 你认为你能找到回家的路吗?

    Do you think you can find your way home ?

  10. 只有一件事最重要,那就是找到我们回家的路。&引自。

    The only thing that matters is to find our way home .

  11. 那你还记得回家的路吗?

    That you keep the road going home in memory ?

  12. 在你离开后找到回家的路?

    Where you left behind to find your way home ?

  13. 你比我更清楚回家的路。

    You know the way home better than I do .

  14. 他们或许能告诉我们回家的路。

    Maybe they can help us find our way home .

  15. 人的一生中第一件要记住的事就是回家的路。

    The first thing to remember in life is the way home .

  16. 好让你找到回家的路

    so you could find your way home to us .

  17. 我想在回家的路上去看看你。

    I 'll call round and see you on my way home .

  18. 但她却找不到回家的路。

    But she can 't find her way back home .

  19. 或许他们知道能让我们回家的路

    Maybe they can tell us how to get home . Yeah .

  20. 那时信鸽仍能找到回家的路。

    Then the pigeons still find their way home .

  21. 金门大桥看上去就像是一条回家的路。

    The Golden Gate Bridge looked just like the one back home too .

  22. 骑车回家的路真的很容易。

    The way of riding back was really easy .

  23. 那些小眼睛会一直注视着我回家的路。

    Those little eyes would always be looking down the road for me .

  24. 我在回家的路上去拜访她,发现她不在家。

    I called on her on my way home and found her out .

  25. “丢丢”们也许永远找不到回家的路了。

    " Diu Diu " maybe never find way to go back home .

  26. 不是所有的家鸽都会找到回家的路。

    Not all pigeons can find their way home .

  27. 迟早你会找到回家的路。

    You 'll find your way sooner or later .

  28. 他终于找到回家的路了吗?

    Has he found his way home at last ?

  29. 他们被困在了那里,找不到回家的路,

    They were stuck there , with no way to go back home .

  30. 我希望你能找到回家的路。

    I hope you can find your way home .