
xiào yi xiào
  • give a smile
  1. 假如你高兴又想表达的话,请笑一笑。

    If you 're happy and you know it , give a smile .

  2. 我不知道是该笑一笑还是该说点什么作为回应。

    I wasn 't sure whether to laugh or to reciprocate with a remark of my own .

  3. 克里斯甚至连笑一笑的力气都没有。

    Chris couldn 't even raise the energy for a smile .

  4. 他们交谈了几分钟,弗雷德里克偶尔笑一笑并用力点头。

    They talked for several minutes , frederick smiling broadly and nodding his head vigorously every so often .

  5. 哈桑在世的时候,杰迪经常来看望他。一见面,杰迪便说:“嗨,哈桑,你好吗?我已经看到我的梦如何变成了现实。”然后这两位朋友互相拍拍对方的后背,笑一笑。

    When Hassan was alive , Jehdi often came to visit him and greeted his friend with the words , " Well , Hassan , how are you ? I have come to see what has happened to my dream . " And then the two comrades patted each other on the back laughing .

  6. 在目前这个时间谋反,路易十八笑一笑说。

    " A conspiracy in these times ," said Louis XVIII .

  7. 发出一声呻吟、笑一笑、叹一口气、大喊一声

    Give a groan , laugh , sigh , yell , etc

  8. 笑一笑。

    Give me a smile . - ( Camera Shutter Clicks )

  9. 我要做什么才能见到你对我笑一笑?

    What would I do to see you smiling at me ?

  10. 你可以笑一笑,然后把这件事忘记。

    You can just laugh at it and blank it out .

  11. 来,大家笑一笑,好拍照。

    Come on everyone , say cheese for the camera .

  12. 我和你说话时你就不能笑一笑吗?

    Could you just smile when I talk to you ?

  13. 但微笑志愿者小组的工作并不只是笑一笑这么简单。

    But the team 's work is not all fun and games .

  14. 放松的笑一笑,去海滩或其他地方度假都是不错的选择。

    Have a good laugh or go lie on a beach somewhere .

  15. 突然,他转身对妈妈买笑一笑。

    Suddenly , he turned to his mother and grinned .

  16. 她擦掉泪水试图笑一笑。

    She wiped away her tears and tried to smile .

  17. 我们应该尽可能多笑一笑。

    We should be laughing more than we are . '

  18. 笑一笑等等把你的石膏板藏起来不符合时代不是吧

    Say cheese.Wait . Hide your cast . It 's not era-appropriate.Seriously ?

  19. 笑一笑,不要让南韩的小朋友看笑话了。

    Smile , kids from the South might see this .

  20. 与人会面、闲聊、笑一笑。

    Meet with people , schmooze , have a laugh or two .

  21. 南茜·李,抬起头来,对我笑一笑!

    Lift up your head , Nancy Lee , and smile at me !

  22. 我非常想看到她笑一笑。

    I wanted very much to see her smile .

  23. 在求我帮忙之前,他总会先对我笑一笑。

    Before asking me for a favor , he always flashes a smile .

  24. 经常笑一笑胜过良药。

    Regular doses of laughter are more than medicine ...

  25. 院长总是笑一笑,从不回答。

    The dean always smiled but didn 't reply .

  26. 他试图笑一笑,摆脱尴尬的局面。

    He tried to laugh off his embarrassing situation .

  27. 请笑一笑,回想着童年那段肤浅的日子;

    Please wear a smile , thinking back to those childhood days superficial ;

  28. 他眨眨眼,笑一笑说:“我现在处于屏幕保护状态。”

    He blinked , smiled and said ," I 'm on screensaver . "

  29. 假装笑一笑比诚挚的一击要强。

    Better an insincere smile than a sincere slap .

  30. 难道戛纳就没什么能让人笑一笑吗?

    Not much to smile at in Cannes ?