
  1. 他们的双脚已经蠢蠢欲动,准备打好背包,开启下一段旅程,继续探索这个美丽的世界。

    Their feet are getting antsy and ready to move on , to pack their backpacks and explore more of this beautiful world .

  2. 好吧,继续和你美丽的男人共享美丽的餐点,然后再回家找另一个美丽的男人,贪心鬼

    Fine ! Have your beautiful brunch with your beautiful man ... and then go home to your other beautiful man . Greedy , greedy , greedy .

  3. 马尔代夫群岛的平均海拔有80%都低于1米,如果海平面随着全球气候变化继续上升,这个美丽的天堂岛国迟早会淹没于茫茫大海下。

    80 percent of average elevation of Maldives is lower than one meter . If the sea level keeps on rising for global climate change , this beautiful paradise might disappear underneath the sea water sooner or later .