
  • 网络continuing medical education;cme;Continuing Medical Education,CME
  1. 继续医学教育是医院可持续发展的有效途径

    CME is the effective way of hospital development

  2. 对新形势下卫生专业技术人员如何更新观念,更好地接受继续医学教育及终身学习与继续教育的关系等进行论述。

    This paper narrates how to update concept and well accept CME and the relationship between CME and lifelong education .

  3. 本文介绍了利用医院信息系统网络平台、WEB技术、网页技术、远程技术丰富继续医学教育信息资源,拓展继续医学教育途径的方法和获得的效果。

    The paper reported briefly the ways and effects of enriching CME resources and expanding CME paths by using HIS platform , WEB technology and telemedicine technology .

  4. 2011年美国继续医学教育认证委员会(AccreditationCouncilforContinuingMedicalEducation)发现,其追踪调查的医学培训机构中有近1/3是由医药和器械公司赞助。

    In 2011 drug and device companies sponsored nearly a third of the medical training tracked by the Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education .

  5. 目的开发基于医学影像存储与传输系统(PACS)的交互式CT影像教学模块,满足临床医生和低年资影像诊断医生对CT影像知识进一步继续医学教育的需求。

    Objective To explore the interactive teaching model for CT imaging based on PACS , and provide the clinician and young radiologist with continued medical education .

  6. 试论军队继续医学教育(CME)的开展与评价

    On Implementation and Evaluation of Continuing Medical Education ( CME ) in Military Hospitals

  7. 目的系统评价以问题为基础的学习(PBL)在继续医学教育中的应用效果。

    Objective To systematically evaluate the efficacy of problem-based learning ( PBL ) applied in continuing medical education .

  8. 目的:开展继续医学教育(CME),培养临床营养支持创新人才。

    Objective : To develop continual medical education and research talented persons of clinical nutritional support .

  9. 青海医学院对继续医学教育(CME)进行了初步的实践,成功地建立了领导组织机构,实施了有关制度和规定,完善了教学点的建设。

    Qinghai medical college has carried out continuing medical education initially in building leading construction , putting into effect of some institution and perfecting constructionof teaching spot .

  10. 介绍在山东省卫生厅、人事厅的领导和支持下,山东省继续医学教育(CME)中心办公室开展广泛而深入的继续医学教育工作,各方面均有较大发展。

    With the leadership and support from Shandong Medical Department and Shandong Personnel Bureau , Shandong Provincial CME Center has done quite a few things wide-ranging and thoroughgoing and made remarkable achievement .

  11. 本文通过1037名农村基层卫生技术人员对继续医学教育(简称CME)需求的调查得出,CME面向农村基层已势在必行。

    It is clear that to carry out CME in the rural areas is very important and necessary , through analysing the investigation which was drawn by 1037 rural medical technical persons .

  12. 我们的继续医学教育活动的一整套,仍然是一个SOGC工作的基石。

    Our comprehensive suite of Continuing Medical Education events remains a cornerstone of the SOGC 's work .

  13. 现代远程教育在继续医学教育中的应用与思考

    Application and reflections of modern distance education in continuing medical education

  14. 医学学术期刊实施继续医学教育的内容及方法

    Contents and methods of implementing continuing education for medical sci-tech journals

  15. 继续医学教育项目评估指标体系的构建

    Establish on Index System of Item Evaluation on Continuing Medical Education

  16. 浅析继续医学教育的教育技术发展趋势

    Analysis on the trend of development of educational technology in CME

  17. 新世纪继续医学教育与管理初探

    Discussion on Continue Medical Education and Management in the New Century

  18. 人文社会医学教育应纳为继续医学教育的重要内容

    Humanistic Social Medicine Should Be Important Content of Continuing Medical Education

  19. 2005年《继续医学教育》刊期变更及征订通知

    Stage ⅲ . Notice of " CME " change and subscription

  20. 大连市继续医学教育学分授予办法探讨

    Discussion on the regulation of conferring credits to CME in Dalian

  21. 利用现代教育技术促进继续医学教育的飞速发展

    Using modern educational technology to accelerate rapid development of CME

  22. 对海军舰艇军医实施继续医学教育的思考

    The consideration of CME to medical officers on naval vessels

  23. 护理人员继续医学教育内容与方法研究

    Study on the content and method of continuing education for nursing staff

  24. 继续医学教育管理的经验与体会

    Realization and Experience of Continuing Medical Education in Our Hospital

  25. 新形势下武警医院继续医学教育的思考

    Consideration of Continued Medical Education in Armed Police Hospital under New Situation

  26. 加强继续医学教育,提高实验技术人员综合素质

    Strengthening CME and enhancing the comprehensive qualities of Lab. Technicians

  27. 军队继续医学教育发展战略构想

    The project of developing strategy for continuing medical education in the army

  28. 预防医学继续医学教育现况调查与结果分析

    The survey for current situation of precautionary CME and its consequence analysis

  29. 远程继续医学教育特征分析

    The Characteristic Analysis on Continual Medical Education of Distance Learning

  30. 参加专业培训,接受继续医学教育;

    Participating in professional training and receiving continued medical education ;