
  • 网络Medical Fund;Medifund;Medi-Cal
  1. 现有医疗基金在年内没有出现赤字。

    The deficit has not come to true in medical fund .

  2. 我国新型农村合作医疗基金监管研究

    Supervising and Managing of New Country Cooperative Medical Fund in China

  3. 对新型农村合作医疗基金几个问题的思考

    The Problems of New Type of Rural Cooperative Service Funds

  4. 关于新型农村合作医疗基金管理的探讨

    Discuss on the management of new rural cooperative medical fund

  5. 内蒙古新型农村合作医疗基金管理研究

    Study on Fund Management of New Rural CooPerative Medieal System in Inner Mongolia

  6. 可是,当医疗基金、社会保障基金都用尽时又该怎么办?

    What will happen when Medicare and Social Security run out of money ?

  7. 黑龙江省新型农村合作医疗基金支出情况分析

    The Analysis of the New-type Rural Cooperative Medical Care Funds Expenditures in Heilongjiang Province

  8. 新型农村合作医疗基金分配与使用模式选择

    The Research on the Choices of the New Rural Cooperation Medical System Fund Distribution and Use

  9. 新型农村合作医疗基金绩效评价指标体系构建的探索

    A Study on Building the Performance Evaluation Index System of the New Rural Cooperative Medical Fund

  10. 甘肃省新型农村合作医疗基金监管机制初探

    Study on the Mechanism of Fund Management of New-type Rural Cooperative Medical System in Gansu Province

  11. 建立一个医疗基金。

    Create a health-care fund .

  12. 管理者可对合作医疗基金的使用情况进行监督管理,避免出现业务漏洞。

    Cooperative medical fund managers can use to conduct supervision and management , to avoid business loopholes .

  13. 最后,提出相应的配套措施,全面提高新型农村合作医疗基金的最大利用率。

    Finally , the corresponding measures , comprehensively promote the new rural cooperative medical fund efficient use .

  14. 收支增长不同步对新型农村合作医疗基金风险的影响

    Studying on the Risk of New-type Rural Cooperation Medical System Fund by Income and Expenditure Different Increase Speed

  15. 本文从财务的视角,探索这一新型农村合作医疗基金的安全建设。

    This paper is written to search after the safety management of the new style rural cooperative medical system .

  16. 随着老龄人口的增加,中国基本医疗基金的开销同样会迅速增加。

    As the number of the aged increases , the expenditure of China 's basic medical fund also grows rapidly .

  17. 在文章的最后部分,本文还提出了对新型农村合作医疗基金运行环节的投资运营的探索。

    At the end of the article , it also mentions the investing and running of the new country cooperative medical fund .

  18. 筹资机制的不完善使新型农村合作医疗基金的筹集缺乏可持续性保证。

    Without a perfect financing mechanism , the fund rising of the new type of rural cooperative medical lacks the assurance in sustainability .

  19. 设置新型农村合作医疗基金绩效评价的指标并给予赋值,构建了完整的指标体系。

    Then , the establishment of a new type of rural cooperative medical fund performance evaluation system is the focus of the article .

  20. 社会资本在合作医疗基金的筹集、补偿、卫生服务提供和利用以及合作医疗的监督管理中,具有极为重要且广泛的作用。

    Social capital play an important and extensive role in CMS , existing in financing , reimbursement , providing and utilizing for health services and supervision etc.

  21. 在补偿方案上,应提高合作医疗基金中用于门诊费用补偿的比例,在补偿方式上由家庭账户逐步向门诊统筹过渡。

    In the compensation package , we should improve the proportion of out-patient costs , in compensation change the family account to the outpatient co-ordination gradually .

  22. 市长说,《看这个人》原作者的孙辈们把原本他们从壁画中获益的份额全部捐献给了管理这座教堂的一个医疗基金会。

    The grandchildren of the original artist ceded any share of their rights to benefit a hospital foundation that manages the church , the mayor said .

  23. 支付方式改革就是合疗政府经办机构通过支付方式对医疗基金的流量和流向进行控制,最终实现对医疗费用的合理控制。

    Payment reform is combined treatment agencies through the payment of the medical fund flow and flow control , and ultimately the reasonable control of the medical expenses .

  24. 医疗基金,特别是由不同级别的政府划拨和各行各业人士捐赠的钱,将专门被用于医疗服务。

    The medical-aid fund , specially allocated by various levels of government and with donations from people from all walks of life , will be used exclusively for medical aid .

  25. 为了科学合理地制定新型农村合作医疗基金管理方案,于2003年在河南省18个新型农村合作医疗试点县开展了社会经济状况调查、卫生资源调查和农民卫生服务调查。

    In order to constitute the found managing scheme of the system scientifically and reasonably , we investigated the social economic status , health resources and farmer 's health service .

  26. 合作医疗基金筹集采取个人交费、集体扶持与政府资助相结合的办法。

    Fund of cooperative medical treatment raises money adopt an individual to hand in cost , collective to give aid to the method that subsidizes photograph couple with the government .

  27. 积极构建农民、地方、中央三方对农村合作医疗基金的有效管理机制和监督机制,才能保证合作医疗基金的有效运用,保障资金安全。

    And , to guarantee the medical fund well used , an effective management and supervision mechanism covering the farmer , the local government and the central government should be established .

  28. 2005年除章丘外的五县(市)新型农村合作医疗基金都有结余,结余率为30.38-58.09%:章丘市由于门诊基金超支而导致总基金当年出现赤字。

    In five counties except Zhangqiu , the surplus rate of NCMS fund was 30.38-58.09 % . However , in Zhangqiu , NCMS fund has deficit in unified fund concerning outpatient reimbursement .

  29. 阿利拉亦是这个医疗基金会的董事长,他正在参与一项最终谈判,把这幅画的使用权卖给附近马加利翁的阿拉冈尼萨斯葡萄酒厂。

    As president of the hospital foundation , Mr. Arilla is also involved in final negotiations to sell the rights for the exact image to the Aragonesas winery in neighboring Magall ó n.

  30. 美国和加拿大政府最初将拥有新通用汽车72.5%的股份,其余17.5%将由美国汽车工人联合会的一个医疗基金持有。

    The US and Canadian governments would initially own 72.5 per cent of the new GM , with the remaining 17.5 per cent held by a United Auto Workers union healthcare fund .