
  • 网络Hospital Culture
  1. 企业识别系统(corporateidentifysystem,CIS)已逐步应用于医院文化建设,起着内聚人心、外塑形象的作用,但医院文化的丰富内涵也同样决定了CIS的局限性。

    Corporate Identify System ( CIS ) now plays a key role in the construction of hospital culture . On the other side , the CIS also has some limitations due to the complication of hospital culture .

  2. 同时,将企业文化研究成果和企业形象识别系统(CI)理论引入对医院文化的研究,也丰富了企业文化和企业形象识别(CI)系统理论内容,拓展了它们的应用范围。

    At the same time , introducing the results of corporate cultural research and Corporate Identity the study of hospital culture can rich the enterprise culture and Corporate Identity and expand their scope of application .

  3. 开展HEAP,加强医院文化建设

    Carrying out Hospital Employee Assistance Program to Enhance Hospital Culture Construction

  4. 倡导健康的医院文化促进医德医风建设

    To initiate healthy hospital culture and promote medical ethics and style

  5. 论人文理念与医院文化建设关系

    On the Relationship between Humanistic Ideas and Cultural Construction in Hospitals

  6. 论新时期医院文化建设的作用

    On the function of hospital cultural construction in the new era

  7. 发挥医院文化功能促进社区卫生服务

    Bring hospital culture function into play to boost community health service

  8. 论科学发展观与加强医院文化建设

    Exploring of scientific approach to development and construction of hospital culture

  9. 加强爱婴医院文化建设促进母乳喂养

    Strengthen cultural construction of baby friendly hospital and promote breast feeding

  10. 中国药物依赖自愿戒毒机构的医院文化与医学伦理建设

    Construction of Culture and Ethics in Chinese Voluntary Dependence Quit Institution

  11. 加强医院文化建设拓展生存发展空间

    Strengthen hospital culture building , extend hospital surviving and developing space

  12. 医院文化的哲学伦理内核及其在现代医院管理中的重要作用

    The Important Effect of Philosophical Ethical Nucleus Oon Modem Hospital Administration

  13. 医院文化建设是“三个代表”重要思想中先进文化建设的一个重要部分。

    Hospital culture is an important constituent of advanced proletarian culture .

  14. 建设医院文化系统工程打造一流医院品牌

    Constructing Hospital Culture Systems Engineering and Making First-Class Hospital Brand

  15. 加强医院文化建设,提供精神驱动力量;

    Strengthening the hospital culture construction , providing the psychical driving force ;

  16. 加强医院文化建设的思考

    Think about strengthening the construction of hospital ′ s culture

  17. 医院文化与人本管理的内在统一性;

    Hospital culture and people oriented management are intrinsically unified ;

  18. 联勤体制下医院文化建设的思考

    Consideration of Hospital Culture Construction under Combined Service Force System

  19. 医院文化建设是塑造医院品牌的重要途径

    Hospital Culture Construction is an Important Channel Of Creating the Hospital Brand

  20. 简论深圳市人民医院文化建设发展

    Development and Construction the Culture of Shenzhen People 's Hospital

  21. 谁拥有优秀的医院文化,谁就立于竞争的不败之地。

    Held the advanced hospital culture , it will succeed in competition .

  22. 医院文化建设的助跑器:六西格玛管理

    Application of Six Sigma Management on Rebuilding Hospital 's Culture

  23. 医院文化建设是优化医院道德环境的主题选择

    Hospital cultural construction is the theme choice to optimize hospital moral environment

  24. 知识经济时代医院文化创新的思考

    The Thinking of Hospital Culture Innovation in the Era of Knowledge Economy

  25. 医院文化建设的新理念和新路径

    New Ideas and Pathways in the Constructing of Hospital Culture

  26. 医院文化与护理人员职业道德建设

    Hospital culture and construction of professional morality of nursing staff

  27. 在构建和谐社会进程中,把医院文化建设推向一个新的发展阶段。

    Hospital culture construction would have a new blueprint in harmonious society .

  28. 要弘扬白求恩精神,构建无私奉献,和谐向上的医院文化。

    Improve Bethune spirits and develop dedication of hospital culture .

  29. 礼仪是医院文化的重要内容。

    Rite is the main content in the hospital culture .

  30. 应用医院文化理论构建医院护理文化的探讨

    Application of hospital culture theory in the construction of hospital nursing culture