
  1. 《国外医学内科学分册》5年载文分析

    Five-year Citation Analysis on Foreign Medical Science : Subvolume of Internal Medicine

  2. 关于医学生内科学临床见习带教的几点体会

    Some Comprehension from the Teaching of Medical Clinical Noviciate

  3. 该研究结果公布在美国医学会杂志内科学卷中。

    The study is published in the American Medical Association journal Archies of Internal Medicine .

  4. 这项研究结果将会发表在2月26日的美国医学会杂志内科学进展。

    Results of the study will be published in the Feb.26 issue of the Archives of Internal Medicine , a publication of the American Medical Society .

  5. 该研究结果发表在《美国医学会杂志·内科学卷》(JAMAInternalMedicine)上。

    The results are in JAMA Internal Medicine .

  6. 在发表在《美国医学会期刊:内科学》杂志(JAMAInternalMedicine)上的一项新研究中,研究人员发现,该药物的效益比审批过程中提交给F.D.A.的材料中显示的略低。

    In the new study , published in JAMA Internal Medicine , researchers found benefits that were slightly more modest than those submitted to the F.D.A. during the approval process .

  7. 这项研究在《美国医学会杂志·内科学卷》上发表。

    The research was published in JAMA Internal Medicine .

  8. 研究结果于6月17日发表在美国医学会(AmericanMedicalAssociation)旗下的《美国医学会杂志•内科学》(JAMAInternalMedicine)网站上。

    The results were published online Monday in JAMA Internal Medicine , a journal of the American Medical Association .

  9. 范德堡大学医学院(VanderbiltUniversitySchoolofMedicine)的研究人员将该研究结果发表在今年3月的《美国医学会期刊:内科学》杂志(JAMAInternalMedicine)上。

    The results were published in March in JAMA Internal Medicine by researchers at Vanderbilt University School of Medicine .