
  • 网络medical experiments;medical laboratory;experimentation in medicine
  1. RNAi在医学实验动物研究中的应用

    Application of RNAi in Medical Laboratory Animals

  2. 医学实验动物笼具自动冲洗装置的设计开发

    Research and Development of Automatic Rinse Assemblage for Cage of Medical Laboratory Animal

  3. 另一个开发其它研究办法的组织是FRAME,替代动物医学实验基金会的简称。

    Another organization that is developing other methods of research is FRAME . This is the Fund for the Replacement of Animals in Medical Experiments .

  4. 动物:WIStar大鼠由中国医科大学第二临床学院医学实验动物中心提供。

    Wistar rats were provided by Medical Animal Center , the Second Clinical College of China Medical University . Samples ;

  5. 日本航空自卫队(JASDF)航空医学实验队的研究和训练

    Research and training in Japan Air Self Defense Force ( JASDF ) aeromedical laboratory

  6. 材料:选用4周龄健康雄性NIH小鼠,清洁级,体质量17~21g,由广东省医学实验动物中心提供。

    MATERIALS : Healthy male NIH mice , aged 4 weeks , of clean grade , weighing 17-21 g , were provided by Medical Experimental Animal Center of Guangdong Province .

  7. 加强医学实验教材建设与管理,提高实验教学水平电气工程专业综合实验平台和实验教材建设

    Integrated Experimental Platform and Experimental Teaching Material in Electrical Engineering Specialty

  8. 建立现代医学实验教学体系的实践与思考

    Practice and Thinking on Construction of Modern Medical Experimental Teaching System

  9. 单位:吉林医药学院医学实验中心。

    SETTING : Medical Experimental Center of Jilin Medical College .

  10. 基础医学实验教学创新训练中心的建设成效初探

    Construction and effects of innovative training center in preclinical medical experiment teaching

  11. 医学实验教学中心实验耗材库存管理工作的实践与探讨

    Discussion on management of experiment material inventory of medical experimental teaching center

  12. 口腔预防医学实验课教学改革探索

    The Study of Experimental Course of Oral Preventive Medicine for Dental Students

  13. 改进医学实验课教学提高学员创新能力

    Reform of medical experiment teaching for improving the creative ability of students

  14. 预防医学实验课探讨

    A Probe into the Experiments of Preventive Medical Science Lessons

  15. 高校体育教师教学质量评价指标体系的构建医学实验课课堂教学质量评价指标体系的研究

    Construction on Teaching Quality Evaluation Index System of College Physical Education Teacher

  16. 机能学实验是基础医学实验的重要组成部分。

    Body functional experiment is an important component of basic medical experimentation .

  17. 核医学实验课中学生的技术恐惧心理与对策

    Technophobia and Countermeasures of Medical Students in Nuclear Medicine Experiment

  18. 背景:在三级医院内的生殖医学实验中心。

    SETTING : Center for reproductive medicine laboratory in tertiary hospital setting .

  19. 浅谈基础医学实验教学中存在的问题及解决对策

    Problems and Solutions of the Experiment Teaching of Basic Medicine

  20. 《医学实验动物学》本科教学模式改革与实践

    Reform and practice of undergraduate teaching in laboratory animal science

  21. 学习任务驱动的医学实验课程教学设计

    Design of Medical Experiment Course Teaching Driven by Study Tasks

  22. 研究生助教参加防原医学实验教学的实践与思考

    Practice and thinking on postgraduates teaching assistant in experiment teaching of radiation medicine

  23. 医学实验实践教学体系建设与医学人才培养

    Construction of medical experiment and practice teaching system and development of medical talents

  24. 防原医学实验教学改革的探索

    Exploration on Improving Experimental Teaching of Nuclear Prevention Medicine

  25. 赏识教育在医学实验教学中的应用

    Application of Appreciation Education in Medical Experiment Teaching

  26. 基础医学实验教学改革思路

    Reform Idea of Experimental Teaching of Basal Medicine

  27. 预防医学实验教学中学生创新意识及科研能力的培养

    Developing students ' creative and scientific research ability in experimental teaching of preventive medicine

  28. 分子医学实验教学的改革与课程建设

    Review on Teaching Reform of Molecular Medicine Experiments

  29. 医学实验动物体内外寄生虫调查研究初报

    A Survey on Parasites of Medical laboratory Animal

  30. 有的人被当做实验品,用来进行医学实验。

    Medical experiments were made on human beings as if they were guinea pigs .