
yàn shī
  • autopsy;inquest;postmortem;necropsy;postmortem examination;identification of corpse
验尸 [yàn shī]
  • [postmortem examination;autopsy] 检验命案中的死尸以确定死亡的原因、时间和过程

验尸[yàn shī]
  1. n.验尸验尸的目的在发现死因。

    postmortem The purpose of a postmortem is to discover the cause of death .

  2. 关于红光验尸关于反倾销工作的若干问题

    On Postmortem by Red Light On problems of anti - dump

  3. 验尸官判定是“意外致死”。

    The coroner 's verdict was ' death by misadventure ' .

  4. 验尸发现他胃中有微量毒物。

    The post-mortem revealed traces of poison in his stomach .

  5. 验尸证明这孩子是被人毒死的。

    The post-mortem on the child revealed that she had been poisoned .

  6. 验尸官同意这个鉴定。

    The coroner concurred with this assessment .

  7. 验尸报告上显示死因为中毒。

    The autopsy report gave the cause of death as poisoning .

  8. 验尸官立即断定他的死亡属于自杀。

    The coroner immediately classified his death as a suicide .

  9. 一名验尸官将这些死亡事件列为凶杀。

    A medical examiner has listed the deaths as homicides

  10. 验尸官作出了意外死亡的结论。

    The coroner recorded a verdict of accidental death .

  11. 他们正在给受害者验尸。

    They 're carrying out an autopsy on the victim .

  12. 验尸官再次保证,这些DNA样本不会转交给警方。

    Coroners are reassuring them the samples won 't be to police .

  13. waitfor的宾语一般是人或事物。法官在作裁决前等待验尸官的调查。

    The judge awaits the coroner 's inquest before giving a verdict .

  14. 助理首席验尸官EdWinter说杰克逊的家人要求对其尸体存放处保密。

    Assistant Chief Coroner Ed Winter says the Jackson 's family asked that the location not be made public .

  15. 验尸官办公室未对CNN的说法发表任何评论。

    The coroner 's office has no comment for CNN .

  16. n.验尸官验尸官断定那个妇人的死亡是意外的。

    coroner The coroner concluded that the death of the old woman was accidental .

  17. 等待良久的Smith验尸报告将于周一在佛罗里达由验尸官公布于众。

    The long-awaited results of an autopsy ( 4 ) on Smith will be made public on Monday by a Florida medical examiner .

  18. 这只猫的验尸结果表明,其肺组织的损伤情况与人类中由H5N1造成的损伤类似。

    Necropsy of the sick cats revealed lung tissue damage similar to that caused by H5N1 in humans .

  19. 这种回顾是一种履行后检查(post-implementationreview)&有时称为验尸(post-mortems)!

    Such retrospectives are a type of post-implementation review-sometimes called post-mortems !

  20. 验尸官表示枪击案犯罪嫌疑人的妻子是四名女性被害者中的一位,这起枪击案发生在密尔沃基郊区的一家spa馆中。

    A medical examiner says the wife of the suspected gunman is among three women killed in a shooting rampage at a suburban Milwaukee spa .

  21. 验尸官告诉CNN,所有女子似乎都是被勒死,尸体已经分解,可能已经在这里藏匿了几周,几个月,甚至几年的时间。

    A coroner tells CNN it appears the women were all d and that their bodies could have been at the home for weeks , months , perhaps even years .

  22. 验尸员表示死者KathleenSavio生前受到惊吓,他们希望进一步验尸以确认peterson是否谋杀了她。

    Prosectors say they want Kathleen Savio to testify from the grave about her fears that Peterson might have killed her .

  23. 一名验尸官告诉CNN女性似乎被勒死后再遭分尸,之后可能丢弃在家中长达几个星期、几个月,甚至几年。

    A coroner tells CNN it appears the women were all strangled and that their decomposing bodies could have been at the home for weeks , months , perhaps even years .

  24. 一名验尸官告诉CNN,这几名女子都是被勒死,被肢解的尸体已经在他家中藏匿几周,几个月甚至几年的时间。

    A coroner tells CNN that it appears these women were strangled , and their decomposing bodies could have been in his home , they say , for weeks , possibly months , possibly years .

  25. 据挪威公共媒体NRK报道,在对鲸鱼的验尸过程中,不仅发现了塑料袋,还发现了一些糖果包装、更小的面包袋以及其他垃圾。

    The plastic - as well as candy wrappers , smaller bread bags and other garbage - was discovered during the necropsy , Norwegian public media NRK reported .

  26. Solano县验尸官办公室说Cannata以及其他2个同狱囚犯死于体温过高,极快上升的体温。

    The Solano County Coroner 's Office said that Cannata and two other inmates died of hyperthermia , extremely elevated body temperature .

  27. 现年50岁的KalingWald因未告知警方其丈夫已经离去的事实承认了自己的罪行,根据地方验尸官法案这构成了犯罪。她的律师周二对路透社说,周一,她被判缓刑并接受了心理咨询。

    Kaling Wald , 50 , pleaded guilty to failing to notify police that her husbandhad died , an offense under the provincial Coroner 's Act , and was sentenced on Monday to probation and counseling , her lawyer told Reuters on Tuesday .

  28. 他们得到充足的时间来开棺验尸。

    He wanted to get enough time to exhume the body .

  29. 警方说今天可能会进行验尸。

    Police said a postmortem examination would be carried out today .

  30. 验尸官判断死亡时间是午夜。

    Coroner 's putting time of death at just before midnight .