
yàn chuán shī
  • marine surveyor
  1. 同时,我要感谢NK船级社,本轮的准时交付离不开你们审图人员和现场验船师的汗水。

    Meanwhile , I must appreciate NK , we can 't deliver the vessel timely without site surveyors'sweat .

  2. 验船师利用RTK技术能在一个角落里寻找米或几个厘米的真实位置,而无需周游了线。

    The surveyor using RTK can perform corner search within a meter or a couple of centimeters of the true location without the need to traverse down the line .

  3. 在检验中倾注真情&记全国优秀验船师黄金山

    Interview with Huang Jinshan awarded the title of national excellent ship surveyor

  4. 验船师:三副,请出示你最新检查记录。

    Surveyor : Could you show me your latest inspection , Third Mate ?

  5. 中国验船师短缺拉响警报

    Chinese ship surveyor shortage has sounded the alarm

  6. 注册验船师制度暂行规定

    The Provisional Regulations for the Registered Ship Surveyors

  7. 气缸须在轮机长和验船师在场时进行液压试验。

    Cylinder to be hydraulic tested in the presence of C / E and surveyor .

  8. 验船师:我们一起试验它们吧?

    Surveyor : Could we test them ?

  9. 业务精良的高级验船师当然是最佳的人选,不过费用会很高。

    Professional senior surveyors are most suitable personnel but the employing expense will be doubtlessly high .

  10. 所提供的数据的文本一份,须送交首席验船师参考和作为纪录。

    A copy of the information supplied is to be forwarded to the principal surveyor of ships for information and record .

  11. 在所有情况下,首席验船师会决定是否需要发出新的声明书或证明书。

    In all cases the principal surveyor of ships will decide whether or not it will be necessary to issue fresh declarations or certificates .

  12. “凡拟将某船舶注册时,特许验船师须按照吨位规例确定该船舶的吨位;”

    " Where a ship is to be registered , an authorized surveyor shall ascertain the ship 's tonnage in accordance with the tonnage regulations ;"

  13. 拍卖船舶委员会由海事法院指定的本院执行人员和聘请的拍卖师、验船师三人或者五人组成。

    The ship auction committee shall be composed of three or five persons , that is , execution officers appointed , as well as auctioneers and surveyors engaged by the maritime court .

  14. 验船师:让我一一对照检查一下配备:淡水、饼干、药。对了,你船上有可在救生艇上用的定位设备吗?

    Surveyor : Let me check the fittings one by one : fresh water , biscuits , medicine . Oh , do you have any position-fixing equipment which can be used on lifeboat ?

  15. 该程序无需审核,但验船师需检查船上是拥有该程序,同时,国际安全管理审核人员也会检查此程序,作为国际安全管理审核的一个项目进行核准。

    The procedure does not need to be approved , but an attending surveyor will check that it is in place and an ISM auditor may examine it as a part of an ISM audit .

  16. 如船只是以政府规例条文所没有预期的任何方式推进,则在所有情况下,应暂缓就该船只发出法定声明书,直至已获取首席验船师的认许为止。

    The issue of the statutory declarations for vessels propelled in any manner not contemplated by the government regulations should in all cases be withheld until the sanction of the principal surveyor of ships has been obtained .