
  • 网络Ship certificate;Vessel certification
  1. 内河船舶船员证书的识别及处理措施

    Identification and Handling of Forgery River Ship and Seafarer Certificates

  2. 船舶法定证书发证是船旗国主管机关的职责。

    Ship 's statutory certification is the responsibility of the flag state administration .

  3. 船舶法定证书安全检查缺陷案例分析

    Case study on the deficiencies of ship 's statutory certificates detected in safety inspection

  4. 非加拿大船舶合格证书

    Non Canadian ship compliance certificate

  5. 货船无线电话安全证书船舶国籍证书的请领

    Cargo ship safety radiotelephony certificate

  6. 所签发的船舶检验证书或检验报告与船舶、设施的实际情况不符;

    The vessel inspection certificate or report issued being not in conformity with the actual conditions of the vessels or installations ;

  7. 吊销船舶国籍证书或临时船舶国籍证书;没收船舶登记证书;扣留船员职务证书;

    Revocation of the nationality certificate or temporary nationality certificate of a vessel ; Confiscation of the vessel registration certificate ; Detention of the job certificate of crew membership ;

  8. 在办理登记手续时隐瞒真实情况、弄虚作假的;隐瞒登记事实,造成重复登记的;伪造、涂改船舶登记证书的。

    Concealing the facts and practicing frauds when going through the registration formalities ; concealing the fact of registration and resulting in repeated registration ; forging or modifying the vessel registration certificate .

  9. 逾期仍不遵办而无正当理由者,得径行注销其登记,并报请交通部注销其船舶国籍证书。

    If the procedures are still not completed after the time limit without any proper reason , the authority may straightforward cancel the registration and report to MOTC to annul such certificate .

  10. 施行定期检查认为合格后,应于船舶检查证书上签署之;施行临时检查认为合格后,应于船舶检查证书上注明之。

    Upon completion of a periodical inspection with satisfactory results , shall endorse the inspection certificate ; and upon completion of an additional inspection with satisfactory results , shall note on the inspection certificate .

  11. 伪造、变造船舶安全管理证书;

    Forging or altering the certificate of safety administration of vessels ;

  12. A你能将你们船舶的保安证书出示让我检查吗?

    Will you please produce your ship security certificate ?

  13. 他是由船旗国指定的机构和组织对船舶签署的证书。

    It should be issued to a ship by the administration or an authorized organization .

  14. 交通部海事局加强换发新版内河船舶船员适任证书工作

    CHINA MSA enhances the renew certification of competency for seafarers serving onboard inland water ships

  15. 未取得船舶安全管理证书从事航行或其他有关活动;

    Engaging in navigation or other relevant activities without obtaining the certificate of safety administration of vessels ;

  16. 使用伪造、变造的船舶安全管理证书从事航行或其他有关活动。

    Using forged or altered certificate of safety administration of vessels to engage in navigation or other relevant activities .

  17. 提供虚假材料或以其他不正当手段骗取船舶安全管理证书;

    Providing falsified materials , or by any other wrongful means , to cheat for the certificate of safety administration of vessels ;

  18. 船舶所有权登记证书、船舶抵押权登记证书、光船租赁登记证书。

    Register of certificates to bearer the vessel ownership registration certificate , the vessel mortgage registration certificate , and the bareboat charter registration .

  19. 船舶卫生控制措施证书最长有效期为6个月。

    The SSCC is valid for a maximum period of6 months .

  20. 必须完成控制措施后才重新签发船舶卫生控制措施证书。

    The control measures must be completed before a further SSCC is issued .

  21. 船舶免于卫生控制措施证书/船舶卫生控制措施证书

    Model Ship Sanitation Control Exemption Certificate / Ship Sanitation Control Certificate

  22. CDJ-5型电磁计程仪是交通部上海船舶运输科学研究所获得船舶检验局认可证书的第二项产品。

    CDJ-5 Electromagnetic Log is the second product of SSSRI that has got the approval certificate of ZC .

  23. 经核对发觉不符时,应通知船舶所有人于限期内申请变更登记,或换发船舶国籍证书。

    In case of finding any non-conformity upon checking , the authority shall notify the shipowner of making an application for altering the registration or reissuing the certificate within a specified time limit .

  24. 船舶未按规定配备防污设施、器材的;船舶未持有防污证书、防污文书的;

    The vessel is not equipped with the facilities and equipment for pollution prevention as required ; The vessel does not hold a certificate or document of pollution prevention ;

  25. 船舶如有损坏或缺陷,买方只能要求卖方修复损坏或缺陷以保持船舶的清洁船级证书,而不能解除合同。

    If the broken or defective so as to affect the ship 's class are found , the buyer shall only demand the seller to make such defects good to the satisfaction of the Clean Certificate of Class rather than cancel the contract .