
  1. GB/T4299-1984船舶通风系统图形符号

    Symbols for ships ventilation system

  2. 船舶空调通风系统设计中的CFD应用

    Application of CFD in Marine HVAC System Design

  3. 船舶货舱通风系统气流组织的数值模拟研究

    Numerical Simulation of Airflow Distribution in Ventilation System of Ship Cargo Hold

  4. 船舶厨房通风系统设计

    Design on ship kitchen ventilation system

  5. 高速诱导式空调系统船舶机械式通风系统

    High-speed induction air conditioning system ship 's mechanical ventilating system

  6. 船舶机械式通风系统蒸汽机,船舶推进用

    Ship 's mechanical ventilating system engine , steam , for marine propulsion

  7. 如何处理船舶空调、通风系统中的电磁兼容问题

    How to solve the problem of electromagnetic compatibility in ship 's air-conditioning and ventilation system

  8. 船舶机械式通风系统GB/T13408-1992海船机舱机械设备备件定额

    Ship 's mechanical ventilating system Standard quantity of spare for engine room machinery of sea-going ship

  9. 船舶机械式通风系统

    Ship 's mechanical ventilating system

  10. 在实践中,一般船舶都设有机械通风系统以保证舱内环境符合船舶规范的要求。

    In practice , ships are usually equipped with mechanical ventilation system to ensure those conditions to meet the requirements of the relative regulations .