
  1. 这也许是他们最后一次开演唱会了。

    This may be their last tour ever .

  2. 未知油藏参数(h、Φ、Ct)时,采用两次开井生产,两次关井测稳态井底压力或岩心生产端压力方法,可以计算出岩心和油藏的启动压力梯度。

    If these reservoir parameters are unknown , adopting dual opening and closing in procedure to measure bottom hole stable pressure or pressure of producing end of core .

  3. B组:在心肌梗死形成10~14d后,二次开胸行自体骨骼肌星状细胞移植,方法同前。

    In group B , the collected satellite cells ( 6 × 10 7 ) were implanted into the two MI areas in the same way under second thoracotomy 10 ~ 14 days after myocardial infarction was caused .

  4. 我是有一次开玩笑说,如果能在巴黎办事处待个l年不知道有.多好,可是我从来没当真过。

    One time I joked about how great it would be to speng a year in our Paris office , but I never considered it seriously .

  5. 对于这些较早购买特斯拉的多金人士而言,这款车象征着他们所崇尚的高科技文化。“第一次开的时候,我感觉开的是一台iPad。”他还说,有一辆特斯拉“让我们互联网技术人感到高人一等”。

    For these early adopters with money to spend , the car symbolizes the high-tech culture they adore . " The first time I drove it I thought I was driving an iPad . " Owning a Tesla , he added , " makes us Internet technology people feel superior . "

  6. 你还记得你有一次开过玩笑的那个男孩吗?

    Do you remember the boy you once made joke of ?

  7. 术后吻合口出血二次开胸止血2例。

    Postoperative re-exploration for hemorrhage of anastomosis in 2 cases .

  8. 二次开胸、糖尿病是感染的高危因素。

    The secondly open chest and diabetes mellitus are the risk factors .

  9. 食管贲门癌围手术期二次开胸治疗分析

    Analysis of perioperative second operation for esophageal and cardiac carcinoma

  10. 所有产品第一次开料前需要经客户确认一套样板。

    Every first cutting must have a pre-production review .

  11. 想象人类历史上第一次开足马力时的情景。

    Imagining for the first time in history humanity firing on whole cylinders .

  12. 术后早期充分镇静条件下的气道护理等措施,可减少2次开胸的发生率。遇到:①怀疑心脏填塞;

    Early postoperative airway nursing with sufficient sedation .

  13. 提出一次开轧温度和二次开轧温度的自学习算法;

    The self-learn algorithm of the first the second start rolling temperature and is presented .

  14. 半重瓣亮粉红色花,第一次开时会有绿色镶边。

    Semidouble light pink with a geneva edged in green when the blossom first opens .

  15. 但是当0-2落后得太快,我们甚至还没能有一次开大脚的机会时,比赛就结束了。

    But to be2-0 down without even having a kick of the ball was dreadful-game over .

  16. 不久前,我带杰弗到信用联社去开他自己的账户,这是他第一次开银行账户。

    Recently I accompanied Jeff to the credit union where he opened up his first bank account .

  17. 四十二岁是啊四十岁是个大生日没错那次开了个派对-嗯

    Forty-two . - Yeah.Forty was big . Yeah.And so we had a party . - Yeah .

  18. 这个问题在北京我第一次开小黄的时候就有了。

    It 's a problem that Miss Daisy 's had since I drove her first in Beijing .

  19. 汤姆第一次开他的车的时候笨手笨脚的,因为他太紧张了。

    When Tom first drove his car , he was all thumbs because he was so nervous .

  20. 正如比尔•考斯比有一次开玩笑的那样,我不是优等生毕业。

    As Bill Cosby once joked , I did not graduate Magna Cum Laude or Summa Cum Laude .

  21. 我会一次开多个笔记本,上面写了购物清单、随意即将去做的事情。

    I have multiple notebooks running at once and they also house my grocery lists and random to do 's.

  22. 它起始于一次开玩笑,但那并不意味着它可能不是真的。

    It started as a lark , but that doesn 't mean that it might not actually be true .

  23. 这已经是戴维斯医生第三次开错药方,差点就要我的命!…

    This is the third time old Dr. Davis gave me the wrong prescription and nearly killed me . "

  24. 这里列举出了五个针对不同国家的经验法则为你保驾护航,下一次开国际会议就不会再这么伤脑筋。

    Here are five rules of thumb for different countries to make navigating your next international meeting a little less nerve-wracking .

  25. 过去他从未到过国外,现在第一次开了眼界,什么都使他神驰遐想。

    All that he saw for the first time , for he had never been abroad before , excited his fancy ;

  26. 12例第2次开胸手术患者术后并发症发生率为66.7%(8/12),死亡率为33.3%(4/12)。

    The morbidity and mortality rates of 12 patients who had had a previous history of thoracotomy were 66.7 % and 33.3 % .

  27. 通过应用,实测出该井第三次开钻井段钻井过程中不同情况下的井底压力、温度。

    During the test , the downhole temperatures and pressures under different well conditions in the third-spud section were actually measured and recorded .

  28. 目的:总结17例心内直视手术后出血二次开胸止血病人的出血原因及处理得失。

    Aim : To review the bleeding cause and reoperation experience in 17 patients with excessive postoperative bleeding after open - heart surgery .

  29. 结果:瓣膜置换术后出现低心排出量综合征7例,顽固性心律失常4例,二次开胸止血4例。

    Results : Low cardiac output syndrome happened to 7 patients , obstinate arrhythmia to 4 patients and second opening stanching to 4 patients .

  30. 结果:12例中1例二次开胸治愈,其余9例均采用保守治疗方案治愈出院。

    Example is operated once more to cure in 12 cases , and all the other 9 examples all adopt conservatively to cure leaving hospital .