
  • 网络secondary emission
  1. 钼、铪上复碳后次级发射系数降为δ(max)(?)0.7;

    The maximum secondary emission coefficient of carbon coated Mo or Hf is about 0.7 ;

  2. 测试结果表明用SPS烧结方法制备的稀土-钼阴极材料的次级发射系数达到3.84,比常规烧结方法制备的阴极材料的次级发射系数(2.92)大很多。

    The results show that the secondary emission coefficients of the materials sintered by SPS can reach 3.84 more than those of the materials sintered by traditional method ( 2.92 ) .

  3. 本工作由自制乙氧基铝和五氯化钼,在玻璃基底上热解沉积制得合适电阻率的次级发射膜Al2O3∶Mo(?)

    In the present method , Al2O3 : Mo secondary emission film has been made from thermal decomposition of home-made Aluminium ethoxide and Molybdenum pentachloride .

  4. 次级发射相关研究及应用的发展与现状

    Advances in studies and applications on the secondary emission

  5. 结构参数对喷射器内二维流场的影响ph.1.【电】二次发射,次级发射

    Influence of structural parameters upon two-dimensional flow field in the ejector secondary emission

  6. 本文简述了次级发射的理论研究。

    The paper summarized the development of the theory about the secondary emission .

  7. 测量热阴极次级发射特性的扫描电子探针法

    A scanning low energy electron probe for measuring the secondary emission of THERMIONIC CATHODES

  8. 一次注射疫苗提供80%保护,两次注射则达90%。ph.1.【电】二次发射,次级发射

    Eighty percent protection was afforded with one dose of vaccine and 90 percent with 2 doses . secondary emission

  9. 放电等离子体烧结复合稀土钼阴极的次级发射性能及组织的研究

    Secondary Emission Property and Microstructure Analysis on Molybdenum Cathode Doped with Rare Earth Oxides Made by Spark Plasma Sintering

  10. 实验结果表明,在钼中添加稀土氧化物可以提高发射体的次级发射性能。

    The experimental results show that adding rare earth oxide into molybdenum can improve the secondary emission coefficient of the emitter .

  11. 利用某些有机烷氧基金属化合物的热分解,可在玻璃、金属、陶瓷或半导体基片上沉积相应的金属氧化物次级发射膜。

    A metal-oxide secondary emission film can be deposited on glass , ceramic or semiconductor substrates by thermal decomposition of an organo-metal alkoxide .

  12. 分析比较温度对金属热发射、场致发射、光电发射和次级发射的影响。

    This paper analyses and compares the influence of temperature upon metal thermal emission , field emission , photoelectric emission and subsequent emission .

  13. 说明了同轴深筒靶的次级发射效应对靶上脉冲波形基本没有影响。

    Finally , an emphasis is given to the fact that secondary emissions from the target knocked by the beam have almost no effect on the waveform of the beam pulse .

  14. 研究结果表明,稀土钼次级发射材料的阴极试样的最大次级发射系数达到2.45,满足了磁控管对阴极材料的次级发射系数2.0以上的应用要求。

    The study showed that the maxim secondary emission coefficient of rare earth molybdenum cathode materials was 2.45 , which meet the requirement ( 2.0 ) of magnetron to the cathode materials .

  15. 次级发射理论在于研究影响次级发射的相关因素及对离子轰击下的次级发射现象的研究,以及对氧在金属表面的覆盖率与二次电子发射性能的关系的研究。

    The theory mainly includes the studies about the relatively factors influencing the secondary emission and the studies about the secondary emission under the ion bombardment and the studies about the relationship between the secondary emission properties and the cover rate of oxygen on the metal surface .

  16. 实用Cu-Al-Mg合金次级电子发射体的表面研究

    The surface study of cu-al-mg alloy type secondary electron emitter

  17. Cu-Al-Mg合金的次级电子发射机理的探讨

    Mechanism of secondary electron emission of cu-al-mg alloy

  18. 氧化物阴极次级电子发射系数的温度特性

    Effect of Temperature on Secondary Electron Emission Yield of Oxide Cathode

  19. 复合稀土钼次级电子发射材料的制备与性能研究

    Preparation and Properties Study on the Rare-Earth Molybdenum Secondary Electron Emission Material

  20. 微通道板次级电子发射层中各元素随深度的分布

    The elemental depth - distribution of secondary electron emitting layer in MCP

  21. 电子出现势谱与次级电子发射

    Electron appearance potential spectroscopy and secondary electron emission

  22. 测量热阴极次级电子发射的新方法及其应用

    A new method for measuring the secondary electron emission of thermionic cathode and its application

  23. 热解乙氧基铝制备次级电子发射膜


  24. 这些光电子通过倍增器电极时由于次级电子发射而倍增,然后被阳极收集成为一个输出脉冲。

    These photoelectrons are multiplied by secondary electron emission through the dynodes and then collected by the anode as an output pulse .

  25. 根据计算结果和次级电子发射系数得到,航天器表面充电电位与表面材料的原子序数、最大二次电子发射系数和入射离子引起的次级发射系数均有关。

    According to the numerical results and secondary electron yield , we get that spacecraft surface charging potentials have a great relationship with maximum secondary electron yield , the atomic number of surface materials and secondary electron yield caused by incident ions .

  26. 本文探讨了电子出现势谱与收集极材料的次级电子发射之间的关系,得出了次级电子发射系数小的收集极能够提高俄歇电子出现势谱的信号强度。

    In this paper , relation between Anger electron appearance potential spectroscopy ( AEAPS ) and secondary electron emission of collector materials is investigated It is obtained that the collector which has smaller coefficient of secondary electron emission can raise signal intensity of AEAPS .

  27. 介绍了多级降压收集极模拟中对次级电子模拟的研究情况。分析了次级电子发射的特性,在模拟中将次级电子近似分为真实次级电子和反射的原电子分别处理。

    The phenomenon of secondary electron emission has also been studied .