
  • 网络secondary mirror
  1. 并且设计了主镜和次镜遮光罩,有效消除了光机系统的一次杂光。

    Eliminate the main stray light by design the primary and secondary mirror hood .

  2. 猫眼动镜横移误差容限及次镜倾斜分析

    Lateral Shift Tolerance of Moving Cat 's-Eye Retroreflector and Inclination of Secondary Mirror

  3. 利用FEM分析次镜在此结构支撑下的谐振频率,是否避开飞机的谐振频率。

    The harmonic frequency of secondary reflector is analyzed by FEM . Whether it can avoid the harmonic frequency of airplane or not is demonstrated .

  4. 基于板壳理论,采用Rayleigh方法,通过选取恰当的振型函数,建立了次镜支撑结构的动力学模型。

    A dynamic model has been established by selecting mode functions using the plate and shell theory and Rayleigh method .

  5. 针对R-C系统的特点,考虑轴外渐晕的影响,推导出主、次镜内遮光罩尺寸设计的约束公式。

    The constraint formulas for designing the geometries of primary baffle and secondary baffle are deduced when taking account of vignette of R-C system .

  6. 主镜和二次镜的低温性能试验和材料的选择。

    The choice of cryogenic property experiments and materials of major mirror and secondaly mirror .

  7. 遥感相机次镜组件等效模型的研究

    A Study on the Equivalent Model of Second Reflect Mirror Unit of a Remote Sensing Camera

  8. 但你试过很多次镜,可就是找不到工作。

    And you 'd do so many castings , and you just don 't get a job .

  9. 我们让他试了几次镜,他是这个角色很称职的演员。

    We auditioned him a few times , and he earned the right to play the part .

  10. 在发射升空过程中,次镜支撑结构折叠或压缩,使得望远镜的长度减小,发射体积紧凑。

    Before launch , the secondary mirror support structure is folded or compressed , the telescope becomes short and compact .

  11. 对卡式系统主镜及次镜、分光镜、各透镜组的进行装调及检测分析,有效保证了光机系统的性能。

    The assembly and adjustment of primary mirror , secondary mirror and spectroscope can ensure the performance of optical systems effectively .

  12. 于本回合中,下一次镜芒术士或你装到伤害,该伤害改为对目标生物或玩家造成之。

    The next time damage would be dealt to glarecaster or you this turn , that damage is dealt to target creature or player instead .

  13. 该系统在次镜后使用了三个校正透镜且第一个透镜的前表面具有衍射面。

    Three correcting lenses with a diffractive surface on the front surface of the first lens are placed after the second reflecting mirror in this Cassegrain system .

  14. 次镜组件是空间光学遥感器中至关重要的一个组件,次镜组件中的柔性铰链又是次镜组件的一个重要组成部分。

    The secondary mirror unit is one of the most important part in the spaceborne remote sensor , and the flexure hinge is a crucial component of the secondary mirror unit .

  15. 本文主要是对焦点位于主镜与次镜之间的卡塞格林系统中非球面元件的加工及检测工艺进行了深入的研究。

    The paper deeply researches the processing and testing technology of the aspheric surface in the Cassegrain system , whose focus is located between the primary mirror and the secondary mirror .

  16. 具有抛物面主镜和双曲面次镜的一种折射式望远镜;光线被集中到主镜中心的孔径。

    A reflecting telescope that has a paraboloidal primary mirror and a hyperboloidal secondary mirror ; light is brought to a focus through an aperture in the center of the primary mirror .

  17. 改进措施包括在主遮光罩中心设置圆台结构,为主、次镜镜筒设计挡光环。

    The modification includes that a conical structure is incorporated at the center of main baffle and that inner vanes are designed on the tube wall between the primary and the secondary mirrors .

  18. 次镜作为大口径望远镜系统的重要组成部分,其各个方面都需要做详尽的理论分析和研究,以满足系统的要求。

    The secondary mirror is one of the most important part of large-aperture telescope system . It is necessary to research and analyze the theory thoroughly to satisfy the requirement of the system .

  19. 在这种条件下,卡塞格伦望远镜系统杂散光成对称分布,主要来源于望远镜筒壁的漫反射光、马蹄镜的直接反射光和次镜支架的漫反射光。

    Under this condition , the stray light of a Cassegrain telescope comes from diffuse reflection of telescope tube wall , directly reflected light by a horseshoe mirror , diffuse reflection light by secondary mirror mount and is symmetrically distributed .

  20. 采用周期性介质作高反射膜应用在卡塞格伦光学天线上,分析了主、次镜的大小对效率的影响,提出了解决次镜遮挡损耗的一种新型结构卡塞格伦光学天线。

    Medium mirror is applied for high-reflective film at Cassegrain optical antenna . Cassegrain antenna efficiency is analyzed with primary and secondary mirror size changing , and a new type Cassegrain antenna is put forward , which can solve the secondary mirror blocking waste .

  21. 提出一种超紧凑型折反式红外光学系统设计方法,即系统的主、次镜均采用金属镜,后组采用红外透射材料,实现了总长/焦距比为0.55。

    The design method of a compact infrared catadioptric system is proposed . In the design , the metal mirrors are adopted for the primary and secondary mirrors in the system , and the IR transmission material is used for the rear set of lenses .

  22. 然后对主次镜进行了动力学分析,着重讨论了次镜不同支撑结构方式的固有频率以及提高次镜支撑系统刚度的一些建议。

    Then the dynamic analysis to the primary and second mirror has been carried on and the natural frequency of the second mirror in different support way is discussed and some advice on how to improve the support rigidity of the second mirror is proposed .

  23. 结合当前加工工艺进行分析比较,指出次镜为球面的方案,有利于加工,且成本低;自由曲面方案结构紧凑,成像质量达到衍射极限,但目前加工成本还比较高。

    Consider the present processing technology and art , the design with spherical secondary mirror is beneficial to its manufacture and cost reduction . The design with free-form surfaces is compact and diffraction limited , but its manufacture cost is still high as things as are at the moment .

  24. 结果表明经过改性的柔性二次表面镜可有效地消除静电积累,使电位控制在80V以下。

    The results show that the modified flexible SSM can eliminate the charge accumulation on their surfaces and control the surface voltage below 80 Volt .

  25. 空间模拟电子辐照环境下聚四氟乙烯二次表面镜的损伤和衰退

    Damage and deterioration of Teflon second-surface mirrors by space simulated electron irradiation

  26. 碳/环氧复合材料两次表面镜基板研制

    Development of carbon / epoxy composite materials secondary mirror substrate

  27. 玻璃型二次表面镜的卫星飞行试验

    The satellite flying test of secondary surface mirror

  28. 掺铈玻璃型二次表面镜热控性能稳定性研究

    Study on the Space Stability of Thermal-Control Performances of Glass Adulterated with Cerium Type of Second Surface Mirror

  29. 并发输尿管肉芽或息肉13例、输尿管狭窄5例均同期处理,3例需作第二次输尿管镜处理;

    13 cases of ureter polyp and 5 cases coexisted with ureter stricture were treated successfully at the same time .

  30. 文章介绍了碳/环氧复合材料两次表面镜基板的结构与铺层、选材与成型工艺,性能测试等内容。

    The paper introduces the structure , lay-up , materials option , molding process and performance testing of carbon / epoxy composite materials secondary mirror substrate .