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  • light-middleweight, welterweight
  1. 贝托是WBC次中量级拳王。

    Berto is the WBC welterweight titleholder .

  2. 然而,尽管印度经济增长迅速,它仍只不过是一个次中量级选手,其国民生产总值仅为中国的三分之一,出口和双边外国直接投资(FDI)的流量尚不及奥地利。

    Though growing fast , it is still no more than a welterweight , with output only a third of China 's and exports and two-way foreign direct investment flows lower than Austria 's.

  3. 在上周六于拉斯维加斯举行的UFC(终极格斗冠军赛)167期赛事的主赛中,综合格斗(MMA,又称混合武术)传奇人物、UFC次中量级冠军乔治·圣皮埃尔(GeorgesSt-Pierre)接受乔尼·亨德里克斯(JohnyHendricks)的挑战。

    Mixed martial arts legend and UFC welterweight champion Georges St-Pierre takes on Johny Hendricks Saturday night in Las Vegas in the main event of UFC 167 .

  4. 我想成为世界次中量级拳王。

    I 'd likes to become the welterweight champion of the world .

  5. 争夺次中量级世界冠军!

    to fight me for the welterweight championship of the whole world !

  6. 你们拥有无可争议的中量级冠军和无可争议的次中量级冠军大碰撞。

    You have the undisputed middleweight champion and the undisputed junior middleweight champion bumping heads .

  7. 我想成为次中量级世界冠军

    Well , sir , I 'd Iikes to become the welterweight champion of the world .

  8. 约书亚是一个强壮的大个子次中量级选手,一个艰巨的任务正摆在我们面前。

    Joshua is a big , strong welterweight , so we have a task in front of us .

  9. 而他恰好处在次中量级,这使得他对所有人都是更危险的,也更有吸引力的多。

    That he happens to reside in the welterweight division makes him all the more dangerous and much more intriguing .

  10. 警方说,她不能解释为何这位次中量级拳击手在公寓中被手袋勒死之后她还在巴西北部公寓中逗留了十个小时。

    They said she hadn 't explained how she had stayed in the apartment in northeastern Brazil for ten hours after the former welterweight champion was apparently strangled with a handbag strap .