
  1. 回归年是平太阳两次通过平春分点的时间间隔。

    The tropical year is the interval between two transits of the mean Sun through the mean Equinox .

  2. 夏季次之;春、秋两季较弱,最小在春季。

    Wind stree in summer comes next and those in spring and autumn are quite weak , with minimum wind stree in spring .

  3. 华北地区夏季存在3年左右的主周期及6年左右的次周期,春、秋、冬三季都存在3年左右的主周期。

    Summer rainfall of North China exists periodic variation of quasi-three years and six years , and . spring , autumn and winter also exist periodic variation of quasi-three years .

  4. 长效氮肥一次基施在春玉米上的试验效果

    Trial effect of once basal dressing of slow release nitrogen fertilizer on spring corn

  5. 摇蚊幼虫集中羽化的时间有两次,主要为春末夏初的4-5月和秋末冬初的11-12月。

    The centralized adult emergence of Chironomid larvae appears twice a year and normally appears in April to May and November to December .