
zhì chuāng
  • haemorrhoids;piles;hemorrhoid
痔疮 [zhì chuāng]
  • [hemorrhoid] 医学名词。直肠的最后一寸叫做肛管,其粘膜排列成许多垂直的皱折,每一皱折内含有一条动脉及一条静脉,慢性便秘时,这类痔静脉管受压迫而曲张,遂使肛门部引起膨胀而疼痛

痔疮[zhì chuāng]
  1. 肛门直肠疾病如肛门瘙痒症、肛门湿疹、肛裂及痔疮等均可出现局部皮肤黏膜的破损而为人乳头瘤病毒(HPV)感染创造条件。

    Primary eruptions of the anus and rectum , like perianal pruritus , eczema , anus fissure , and haemorrhoids , often impaired the local integrity of skin / mucosa .

  2. 目的制定痔疮栓的质量标准。

    Objective To establish a quality standard for haemorrhoids suppository .

  3. 竘曾经给宣王治疗过痔疮,医术高超,听了张仪这番话,心头的压力一下子就没有了。

    Sheng Gou had cured the carbuncle of King Xuan before , and was a skilful2 doctor . Hearing what Zhang Yi said , the doctor felt no pressure at all .

  4. CO2激光治疗痔疮520例疗效观察

    Observation on Therapeutic Effect for 520 Cases of Treating Hemorrhoids with CO_2 Laser

  5. RP-HPLC直接测定普济痔疮栓中牛磺熊去氧胆酸含量

    Determination of Tauroursodeoxycholic Acid in Puji Suppository for Hemorrhoids by RP-HPLC

  6. 目的建立HPLC测定普济痔疮栓中牛磺熊去氧胆酸含量的方法。

    Objective To establish a HPLC method for the determination of tauroursodeoxycholic acid ( TUDCA ) in Puji Suppository for hemorrhoids .

  7. PPH技术在治疗重度痔疮中的应用

    Application of PPH method in the treatment of severe hemorrhoids

  8. 为建立三黄痔疮膏中大黄素的质控标准。采用HPLC的方法进行含量测定,以乙醇为溶剂提取有效成分,去除基质。

    To establish quality control standards for emodin in " San Huang Zhi Chuang Ointment ", HPLC method was applied to assay the content of emodin in the ointment .

  9. PPH治疗重度痔疮的价值和技巧

    To treat severe hemorrhoids by PPH

  10. 目的:探讨PPH技术在治疗痔疮中的价值和手术技巧。

    Objective : To discuss the value and operating skill of PPH method in the treatment of hemorrhoids .

  11. 目的:比较分析PPH与传统Milligan手术治疗重度痔疮(Ⅲ、Ⅳ期)的临床效果。

    Objective : To evaluate the efficacy and safety of circumferential mucosectomy procedure for prolapse and hemorrhoids ( PPH ) .

  12. 以甲醇01%磷酸(9∶1)为流动相,C18柱测定了大黄素的含量。结果测得三黄痔疮膏中大黄素含量为00663mg/g,平均加样回收率965%。

    Results : The content of emodin in the ointment was 0 0663mg / g and its average recovery rate was 96 5 % .

  13. 太宁组使用太宁栓,对照组使用痔疮栓,每日2次,连续使用7d。

    Titanoreine supository and hemorrhoid suppository were used twice daily in the Titanoreine group and control group respectively . The duration of treatment was 7 days .

  14. 自动痔疮套扎术(RPH)治疗轻中度痔疮

    Automatic ligation of hemorrhoids ( RPH ) in the treatment of mild and moderate hemorrhoids

  15. Samana能量气的流动过度将会导致胃炎,胃溃疡,痔疮等等;

    Hyper activity of samana leads to Gastritis , Ulcers , piles , etc.

  16. 目的研究自动痔疮套扎术(RPH)治疗轻中度痔疮的临床疗效。

    Objective To study the efficacy of automatic ligation of hemorrhoids ( RPH ) in the treatment of mild and moderate hemorrhoids .

  17. 结论:三七消痔栓治疗内痔(Ⅰ、Ⅱ期)的短期成本较九华痔疮栓更经济,但需样本量较大的原始研究或meta分析为基础的经济学分析来验证。

    Conclusions : The results of this study showed that the short-term cost of Sanqi-XZ in treatment of internal hemorrhoids (ⅰ,ⅱ) was lower than that of Jiuhua-ZC , but the economic analysis on primary researches involving larger samples or Meta analysis are required as foundation to verify this hypothesis .

  18. 如果痔疮出血,这是一个严重的案件。

    If a hemorrhoid bleeds , that 's a severe case .

  19. 外用熏洗方治疗痔疮500例

    500 Cases of Hemorrhoid Treated by External Fumigation and Washing Prescription

  20. 50%硫酸镁治疗产后痔疮的疗效观察

    Curative effects of 50 % bitter salt in treating postcesarean haemorrhoid

  21. 但愿块头不要太大,不然,痔疮又会犯了。

    Hope it 's not too big bring on piles again .

  22. 结论:金氏痔疮膏是一种安全无毒的药物。

    Conclusion : Jin-shi hemorrhoids ointment is a relatively safe drug .

  23. 对痔疮手术患者开展健康教育课堂的效果观察

    Effective observation carrying out health education to operated patients of hemorrhoids

  24. 目前,痔疮是临床上最常见的疾病之一。

    Hemorrhoid is one of the most common disease in clinic presently .

  25. 结论该药对痔疮有较好治疗作用。

    CONCLUSION The drug has favorable treatment action on haemorrhoid .

  26. 目的:研究熊胆珍珠痔疮膏的抗炎作用。

    Objective : To study the anti-inflammatory effects of Xiongdanzhengzhu haemorrhoids ointment .

  27. 痔洗康治疗痔疮的基础与临床研究

    The Basic and Clinical Study on Treating Hemorrhoid with Zhi Xi Kang

  28. 你是想告诉我你从未被痔疮折磨过?

    You mean to tell me you never once suffered from piles ?

  29. 你可以用点白宫痔疮膏。

    You could use a little preparation h for that .

  30. 前言:目的:观察宁血消痔栓对抗痔疮疼痛的作用。

    Objective : To observe the action of Ningxue Decrease Piles Suppository .