
jiān kònɡ chénɡ xù
  • Monitoring program;supervisor
  1. 利用VISUALBASIC开发电力系统图形监控程序

    Graphic monitoring program for power system developed by use of Visual Basic

  2. 基于Windows的通用现场设备监控程序的创建

    Progamming of general field apparatus monitor program base on Windows

  3. Windows监控程序的核心编程原理及设计方法

    Kernel Programming Theory and Designing Method of Windows System Monitoring and Controlling Program

  4. 电厂输煤采样系统的PLC监控程序设计与应用

    Design and Application of the PLC Monitor Program in the Sampling Control System of Coal Conveyer

  5. WINDOWSnt下网络监控程序的开发

    Development of the Network Monitoring Program Under Windows NT

  6. 它为受支持的虚拟机监控程序实现的常用功能提供通用的API。

    It provides a common API for common functionality that the supported hypervisors implement .

  7. 用高级编程语言VISUALBASIC6.0编写了上位机监控程序,并编制了监控软件的使用说明。

    The upper subsystem is programmed by Visual Basic 6.0 , and the user 's manual for the monitoring software is written .

  8. 用VB语言编写上位机监控程序,通过无线通信实现组网异地监控;

    VB Language was adopted in this design to write the PC monitor procedure .

  9. 论述了基于RS232C串行端口的实时监控程序设计的主要思想。

    This paper introduces the main thought for the real time monitoring system design based on the RS-232-C serial ports .

  10. 完成接口芯片固件程序、USB设备驱动和主机监控程序的设计。

    Complete the designs of firmware in interface chip , USB device drivers and host monitoring software .

  11. 因为监控程序需要访问数据库的数据量不大,且监控日志都记录到日志文件中,所以采用access数据库。

    Monitoring program need access the database , because the amount of data is small and monitoring log writes a log file , it uses ACCESS DB .

  12. 并且通过对Windows消息和API的详细研究,设计了一个监控程序来截获和回放事件。

    According to the study of Windows message and API , a control program to intercept and replay events is designed .

  13. 软件设计包含了数据采集,SCI初始化,监控程序设计。

    Software design includes data acquisition , SCI initialization , monitoring program design .

  14. 同时,给出了多任务实时控制程序框架和基于Visualc++6.0的上位机监控程序的实现方法。

    Meanwhile , the realtime multi-task program frame and the method of building the upper supervision program developed by Visual C + + 6.0 are presented .

  15. 跨平台应用的另一促成因素是一个嵌入式虚拟机监控程序,它支持web应用程序在任何智能手机上运行,而无需知道底层架构。

    Another enabler for cross-platform applications is an embedded hypervisor , which allows a web application to run on any smart phone without being aware of the underlying architecture .

  16. 介绍了如何用DELPHI编制实现上位机监控程序。

    To introduce the monitor program running in a PC , which is programmed by DELPHI .

  17. 基于OPC的客户端监控程序的开发

    Development of Client Monitoring Program Based on OPC

  18. 它包含CPU和内存,可以运行一个托管虚拟机的虚拟机监控程序,如图1所示。

    It contains CPU and RAM and runs a hypervisor that hosts virtual machines , as shown in Figure 1 .

  19. 第五章提出了热钢坯打号机控制程序的设计要求,设计了系统的PLC程序和上位机监控程序。

    In the fifth chapter , it works out the design specification for control programs , including the PLC program and the monitor program .

  20. 另外,有些虚拟机监控程序可能不能实施所有API功能,因而在特定驱动程序内被定义为不受支持。

    Additionally , some hypervisors may not implement all API functions , which are then defined as unsupported within the specific driver .

  21. 科米也因为质疑电子监控程序的合法性在乔治·W·布什总统的白宫时期一跃而升。

    Comey also stood up to people in the George W. Bush White House over an electronic surveillance program of questionable legality .

  22. 某些收集API提供断开监控程序,可以提示收集器关闭、消除和创建新连接。

    Some collection APIs provide disconnect listeners that can prompt the collector to close , clean up , and create a new connection .

  23. 用PowerBuilder开发基于数据库的监控程序

    Developing Monitoring Applications Based on Databases Using PowerBuilder

  24. 论文完成了监控程序、数据采集及处理、模糊参数自整定PID控制算法、速度图生成原理、键盘管理以及液晶显示等主要软件设计。

    This paper designs monitoring program , data acquisition and processing subprogram , fuzzy PID controller program , the principle of speed chart and display program .

  25. 它能触发一种转录后基因监控程序,导致特定mRNA降解,使相应基因表达受到抑制。

    It is capable of triggering a certain post-transcriptional regulation program , resulting in the degradation of specific mRNA and the inhibition of the corresponding gene .

  26. 事实上,有些嵌入式虚拟机监控程序供应商已经正式验证了他们的虚拟机监控程序,并保证它们没有bug。

    In fact , some embedded hypervisor vendors have formally verified their hypervisors and guaranteed them to be bug free .

  27. 将这个仲裁程序命名为quorum服务器是因为它运行一个quorum监控程序。

    This quorum server is thusly named because it runs a quorum daemon .

  28. 采用CITECT开发的实时监控程序可实现与PLC的数据交换,完成对生产的实时监控。

    The monitoring program developed with CITECT could exchange data with PLC and perform real-time production monitoring .

  29. 进入虚拟机监控程序后,便可以使用一组API调用函数重复使用该虚拟机监控程序上的各种资源。

    Now , having access to a hypervisor , you can iterate through the various resources on that hypervisor with a set of API calls .

  30. libvirt提供一种虚拟机监控程序不可知的API来安全管理运行于主机上的来宾操作系统。

    Libvirt provides a hypervisor-agnostic API to securely manage guest operating systems running on a host .