
  1. 根据巴塞尔协议ii第二支柱(关于银行监管审核流程)的规定,将这些反周期措施纳入新的银行业监管框架内是可能的。

    It would be possible to introduce these contra-cyclical measures to the new framework of banking regulation , under the umbrella of pillar 2 of Basel II ( dealing with the supervisory review process ) .

  2. 在企业进行上市时,选择其资本市场是企业考虑的重要因素,选择适合的资本市场对企业在进行IPO时顺利通过当地监管部门审核及批准提供了有力的保障。

    It is important consider for companies listed , select appropriate capital markets during the IPO of the enterprise provide a strong guarantee for successfully passed the review and approval of local regulatory authorities .

  3. 日立正在提供第三种设计&先进沸水堆(ABWR)。该技术已经在美国、台湾和日本获得牌照,但迄今仍未提交给英国监管机构审核。

    Hitachi is offering a third design , the Advanced Boiling Water Reactor , which is already licensed in the US , Taiwan and Japan but has yet to be submitted to UK regulators .

  4. 虽然生物科技和制药行业受联邦监管和审核加强影响,融资活动普遍放缓,但第三季度最大的融资交易仍然是来自生物科技公司ReataPharamceuticals。

    While biotech and pharma deals are weakening due to tighter federal regulations and scrutiny of the sector , the biggest deal of the third quarter went to biotech firm Reata Pharamceuticals .

  5. 严格的监管和审核能够保证证券市场信息的真实性。

    Strict supervision and examination can guarantee information reliability on security market .

  6. 申办单位应按规定,将申报材料报市场监管处审核。

    Units shall submit application materials to the Market Supervision Office for examination in accordance with relevant provisions .

  7. 此次交易需接受监管机构审核,预计将于今年夏天完成。

    The closing of the deal , which is subject to regulatory approval , is expected this summer .

  8. 定向增发无盈利要求,发行成本仅为公开发行的一半左右,监管部门的审核程序相对简易,即使是亏损企业也可申请发行,有利于面临良好投资机会的上市公司进行融资。

    It has no regulation on profit . The distribution cost is only half of the public offering . The regulatory review process is relatively simple . Even deficit enterprises can apply for the issue , which is good financing opportunities for the listed companies facing fine investment chances .

  9. 接着,从发行监管体制、发行审核程序、股票发行方式三个方面介绍了我国发行管理制度的变迁。

    Them , the transformation of Chinese stock issuance control system is introduced from three aspects : the supervision system , the admission system and the methods of issuance .

  10. 英国能源与气候变化部还表示:政府欢迎海外资本投资英国能源产业,但对英国能源资产的任何竞购申请将依照现有监管流程受到严格审核。

    The UK welcomes inward investment to our energy sector but any bid for UK energy assets is , and would be , subject to rigorous scrutiny through the established regulatory process .

  11. 中国食药监管总局发表声明,要求各食品安全监管部门严格审核和许可措施,加强对奶粉经营者许可资格的监管力度。

    Food safety regulators have been asked to carry out strict checks and approval measures and enhance supervision on the qualifications of milk powder operators , according to a statement released by the China Food and Drug Administration .