
  • 网络Lightweight;Light;LIGHT WEIGHT;light-weight;weight reduction
  1. 微电子机械系统(MEMS)的迅速发展,使过程机械装置的微型化和轻量化成为可能。

    The development of MEMS makes it possible that the process machinery being miniature and light weight .

  2. 在满足强度、刚度基础上,运用ANSYS优化模块对平头塔机结构尺寸进行优化,以实现起重机结构轻量化的目的。

    And optimizes the structure dimensions by means of ANSYS optimization module in order to meet demands of light weight .

  3. 基于ANSYS的汽车结构轻量化设计

    Research on Lightweight Design of Automobile Structure Based on ANSYS

  4. 载人航天器SPE水电解制氧系统的轻量化研究

    Mass optimization of SPE oxygen generation system in manned spacecraft

  5. 对SiC主镜进行轻量化参数优化后,得到了直径为256mm、质量仅为1.22kg的镜体。

    After the lightweight structure optimization , the mass of the SiC mirror with 256 mm aperture is only 1.22 kg .

  6. LED芯片分选机属于一种高频工作机械,其分选机构向着高速化和轻量化发展。

    LED chip sorting machine is one kind of high frequency working machines . High speed and light weight is the developing direction of its sorting mechanism .

  7. 聚丙烯(PP)由于其低密度和出色的物理化学性质在汽车轻量化发展中扮演着非常重要的角色。

    Polypropylene plays a vital role in the development of lightweight vehicles due to its low density and excellent physical and chemical properties .

  8. 针对地球模拟器轻量化、小型化的要求,开发出基于PCI总线的测量和控制系统。

    A measurement and control system based on PCI bus is developed in accordance with the demands of Light and Pint-sized Earth Simulator .

  9. GMT材料在轿车轻量化设计中的应用

    The Application of GMT Material in Automotive Light-Weight Design

  10. 介绍了汽车轻量化用钢的一种新思路,即通过提高钢板中Al含量,降低钢板密度,减轻钢板重量,实现汽车轻量化。

    This paper describes a new concept on automobile light weighing steel , that is reducing the steel density and weight to make automobile light weight by increasing Al content in steel .

  11. 一个角度对传统的IP组播协议进行轻量化,在组播路径的每个节点上建立组播路由表,并用较低的开销对组播拓扑进行维护。

    One aspect is to lightweight traditional IP multicast routing protocol , establish a multicast routing table for each node on the multicast path , and maintain the multicast topology with low overheads .

  12. SiC非球面反射镜因其轻量化程度高,具有很高的光学性能,成为空间反射镜的首选材料。

    SiC aspheric mirrors have high lightweight extent and excellent optical performance . Accordingly , SiC turns to be the first of all optical materials which are made for space mirrors .

  13. 全面分析了200km/h高速客车车体的结构特点,阐述了该车车体钢结构轻量化设计的思路。

    The structure characteristic of 200km / h high-speed car body is generally analyzed , the thought of lightening design about steel structure of the car body is described .

  14. 利用ANSYS中的工具进行多次尝试,最终找到了一个满足要求的最优轻量化方案,可作为以后机架设计的参考。

    After a series of attempts with the tools in ANSYS , a optimal lightweight scheme which meets the request is found . This scheme can be regarded as a reference for the frame design .

  15. 为实现轻量化、低成本,汽车塑料件壁厚有减薄的趋势,这要求PP具有高强度和高流动性。

    Therefore , PP resin is supposed to have a high strength and high melt flow rate , aimed at meeting the trend of reducing wall thickness of the parts and articles used in vehicles .

  16. 阿尔法o罗密欧4C采用碳纤维座舱和铝制车身框架,而外部则使用了塑料复合材料,使车身达到极度轻量化。

    Its light weight is achieved by a carbon fiber cockpit , extensive use of aluminum in the structure and plastic composite for the exterior .

  17. 基于汽车轻量化用材,介绍了一种显著减轻车身质量的新型薄板&连续变截面辊轧板(TRB)。

    A new type blank , tailor rolling blanks , which can evidently reduce mass of body is introduced .

  18. 在毫米波系统日益追求小型化、轻量化的今天,毫米波VCO的体积、重量面临新的要求,同时又需要保证较大的输出功率、较宽的调谐频带、良好的相位噪声以及利于系统集成。

    Today , millimeter-wave systems are expected to be more and more compact and light , so reduction of both dimensions and weight of the circuits is needed .

  19. IKO针状轴承以其特殊的内部构造实现机械设计的小型、轻量化。

    IKO acicular bearing by its special internal structure realization machine design small , lightweight .

  20. 将MPW应用于铝合金-钢等异种材料的管-管焊接有利于实现零件轻量化结构设计。

    Feasible design of lightweight components can be achieved by using MPW technology for dissimilar metals tube such as aluminum and steel .

  21. 镁合金是汽车轻量化的重要材料,其中AZ91是目前应用最普遍的铸造镁合金。

    Mg alloy is the most important material of weight reduction for the automobile industry , in which AZ91 is the most widely used .

  22. 光纤陀螺作为一种基于Sagnac效应的角速度传感器,其结构的主要力学环境是振动,系统对结构的要求是小型化、轻量化。

    Fiber optical gyroscope is a rotation sensor based on Sagnac effect . Its main mechanical environment is vibration . The requirement for the system structure is small and light .

  23. 在仔细研究反射镜结构特点的基础上,提出了一种基于单目标有约束极小化模型的反射镜结构优化算法,利用有限元工程分析软件ANSYS对某空间红外光学系统反射镜进行了轻量化设计。

    A new method for structural optimization of mirror based on minimizing model was brought forward through investigation on structure layout characteristic of mirror , and light-weighting design of a certain mirror of a space infrared optical system was accomplished using finite element analysis engineering tool ANSYS .

  24. APIMC未来将进一步为汽车轻量化技术科技创新及应用做出贡献。

    APIMC will provide the further contribution to auto lightweight technology innovation and application .

  25. 基于钢索和导向轮驱动的PY型及PYR型关节实现了轻量化小型化设计,采用滑块机构解决了俯仰和偏摆运动耦合问题。

    The PY and PYR joint based on tightwire and guide-wheel drive realize light and miniaturization design . The application of slide-block solves the problem of the motion coupling of pitch and yaw .

  26. 深入研究和分析了KaffeAWT和事件处理机制,并结合数字电视的业务要求,实现了KaffeAWT构件的轻量化改造和类库的重新配置;

    Secondly , it studies and analyzes the Kaffe AWT and event reaction mechanism . According to the requirement of DTV , it implements the lightweight transforming of Kaffe AWT components and the reconfiguration of class libraries .

  27. 另外基于车辆轻量化急需用铝合金代替钢材这一发展趋势,作者将课题确定为基于DEFORM-3D研究楔横轧工艺参数对铝合金空心轴类件的成形规律。

    And on basis of trend in lightweight automobile with Aluminum alloy substituting on steel , thus , the topic of this paper is decided as " Research the Deformation Law of Aluminum Hollow Shaft Parts by Cross Wedge Rolling Based on Deform-3D " .

  28. 利用Schupmann提出的消色差理论可实现系统宽光谱覆盖,采用平面衍射透镜做物镜可使系统轻量化,降低了成本。

    With the help of flat diffractive lens , lighter weight , lower cost system is obtained based on Schupmann ′ s achromatic theory , and such a system that has wide spectral coverage is designed .

  29. 汽车轻量化中的管材内高压成形技术

    Technology of tube internal high pressure forming in lightweight of automobile

  30. 车身轻量化材料的应用及其成形性能研究进展

    Applications of Lightweight Car Body Materials and Researches on Forming Properties