
  • 网络Asset Light;light asset;asset-lite;fab-lite
  1. 通过大样本的比较研究发现具有严格政府监管垄断性质以及以轻资产经营为主的传媒上市公司的治理结构具有与其他行业显著不同的特点。

    This paper studies had found a strict government regulatory monopoly nature and with " asset light " management of the media give priority to the corporate governance structure of a company and other industry has significantly different features .

  2. 轻资产战略将大大减轻资金压力。

    An asset-lite strategy greatly reduces the funding pressure .

  3. 万达表示,利用创新的互联网融资工具,将有助于促进其转型为一家轻资产服务提供商。

    Using innovative internet finance tools , Wanda said , would help facilitate its restructuring into a lite-asset service provider .

  4. 这些地产商的最终目标是摆脱近乎完全依赖地产销售的模式,建立可持续的重收入轻资产的商业模式。

    The ultimate goal is to move away from a near total reliance on property sales towards a sustainable income-based and asset-light model .

  5. 节事战略主要从最优成本供应商战略,轻资产战略,战略联盟和合作协同战略等几个方面来论述。

    Festival strategy mainly from the optimal cost provider strategy , asset-light strategy , strategic alliances and co-coordinated strategy to describe several aspects .

  6. 光明的轻资产运营模式贯穿整个产业链,协同作用显著,提升了企业的财务绩效。

    Asset-Light Strategy runs through the whole industry chain in SBDF , with the obvious coordination function , it has promoted the financial performance .

  7. 万达称,这笔240亿元人民币(合39亿美元)的交易标志着“轻资产战略的正式推出”,在这一战略下,其将减少对地产销售的依赖,转向一种在更大程度上由租赁驱动的模式。

    Wanda said the Rmb24bn ( $ 3.9bn ) deal marked the " official launch of an asset-lite strategy " under which it will reduce its reliance on property sales in favour of a more rental-driven model .

  8. 而且,在以往重预算、轻资产的财政管理理念指导下,行政事业性国有资产管理相较于预算管理远远没有得到应有重视。

    Under the guidance of " pay more attention to budget but light assets management ", compared with the budget management , the management of state-owned assets of administrative units and institutions is far from enough attention .