
qīnɡ biàn chē
  • light-weight car
  1. 他说他父亲已经有了一辆奥迪a6(一种德国产大型轿车),但让他来找一辆家用轻便车。

    His father already has an Audi A6 , a big German saloon , he says , but has sent him to find a family runabout .

  2. 电动轻便车智能控制系统的研制

    Study on an Intelligent Controller of Light Electric Vehicle

  3. 萨拜因将她那辆小型轻便车停下来。

    Sabine pulled up in her little runabout .

  4. 谷歌原型车的蓝图像是一辆小型的城市轻便车,而不是传统的轿车。

    The drawing of Google 's prototype suggests a small urban runabout that looks nothing like a conventional car .

  5. 她经常坐着轻便小马车大驾光临我的寒含

    to drive by my humble dwelling in her little phaeton and ponies .

  6. 我必须有一辆轻便的山地车。

    I 've got to have a light bike .

  7. 车辆转向轻便性人-车-路闭环系统计算机仿真研究

    Simulation Research of Man-Vehicle-Road Closed Loop System of Vehicle Steering Portability

  8. 而且,这些轻便型和小型车不必过多地考虑其转向轻便问题。

    These smaller cars are light enough that even with the lower ratio , the effort required to turn the steering wheel is not excessive .