
  • 网络light rail vehicle;LRV
  1. 双折射率低。三车体复铰部分低地板轻轨车的研究

    Research on 3-Carbody Double-Articulated Type LRV with Partial Low Floor

  2. 轻轨车GTO斩波器的研究

    Study of GTO Chopper for Urban LRV

  3. 基于有限元分析的低地板轻轨车车体优化研究

    Study on Optimization of Carbody of Low Floor LRV by FEA

  4. 70%低地板轻轨车建模及动力学分析

    Modeling and dynamics analysis of 70 % low-floor light rail vehicles

  5. 轻轨车牵引齿轮设计与制造技术综述

    The designing and processing of pulling gear of the light rail train

  6. 铰接式轻轨车电空制动系统设计研究

    Development of electro - magnetic brake system on articulated light rail vehicle

  7. 低地板轻轨车牵引变流器通风散热设计

    Design of Ventilation and Heat Sinking for Low Floor Vehicle Traction Converter

  8. 70%低地板轻轨车钢结构组装工艺

    The Steel Structure Assembly Technology for 70 % Low Floor , Light Rail vehicles

  9. 欧洲轻轨车研究

    Research on Light Rail Vehicles in Europe

  10. 离散变量优化设计方法及其在轻轨车车体设计中的应用

    Optimal Technique with Discrete Variables and Its Application in the Design of Carbody of LRV

  11. 直接变频技术在轻轨车地通信系统中的应用

    Application of Direct Conversion Technology to TWC

  12. 轻轨车安全舒适吗?

    Are the trains safe and comfortable ?

  13. 采用低地板轻轨车,其转向架必然与传统的转向架有较大的差别。

    There must be many differences in the bogies between conventional vehicles and the low floor LRVs .

  14. 轻轨车在轨距为1米的铁路上运行。

    The project to be developed shall contemplate LRT operation on1-meter ( 1000 mm ) gauge lines .

  15. 介绍了70%低地板轻轨车的主要技术参数以及钢结构的特点。

    The main technical parameters and steel structure features of 70 % low floor LRVs are described .

  16. 跨座式轻轨车与连续轨道梁空间振动分析

    Dynamic analysis of a coupled system of a monorail train of straddle type and a continuous track beam

  17. 动力转向架作为轻轨车最重要部件,其发展呈现出多样化、个性化的特点。

    The development of motor bogie , the most important part of the vehide , is diversity and individuality .

  18. 本文主要研究低地板轻轨车转向架的前端轴、万向节轴及弹性车轮的模态分析。

    The text researches the modal analysis of low floor light vehicle front axis , gimbals axis and elasticity wheel .

  19. 100%低地板车技术代表了国际低地板轻轨车最先进技术。

    100 % low-floor vehicle technology on behalf of the international most advanced technology of low-floor light rail vehicles ( LRV ) .

  20. 适用于一区内运营的所有市内火车、电车、汽车和轻轨车。(有轨)电车转车票

    " Available for use on all trains , trams , Buses and light rail vehicles within Zone 1 . " streetcar transfer

  21. 该依据已经在青城山磁浮列车示范工程磁浮车辆受流器设计中得到应用,同时,也可作为城市轻轨车受流器的设计依据。

    This design basis is applied to the collector design of the Maglev test line in Qingchengshan . Besides , it also provides reference for urban light railways .

  22. 金属&橡胶复合的轴箱弹簧主要应用于城市地铁、轻轨车、工程车等机车车辆上,具有良好的垂向、横向和纵向动态性能。

    Conical and chevron spring with rubber-metal layer structure , was one kind of primary spring , which had better three direction dynamic property and widely used in locomotive motor .

  23. 介绍了现代有轨电车用空气弹簧的结构设计及试验研究,为我国轻轨车设计选用空气弹簧提供了参考。

    Described are the structure design and test , research on air springs for modern tramcars , which provide reference for selection of air springs in design of tramcars in our country .

  24. 轻轨车燃料为柴油或含有20%生物柴油的混合油。油箱容量应确保列车运行800公里。

    LRV fuel shall be diesel oil or a mixture containing up to20 % of biodiesel , with tank layout capable of ensuring a minimum autonomy of800 ( eight hundred ) kilometers .

  25. 为了获得轻轨车的运行速度、运行电流、运行功率等参数,设计一套计算软件对轻轨车运行进行仿真是必要的。

    For the sake of getting operation parameters of LRV such as velocity , running current and power , it is necessary to design a calculation soft for the simulation of LRV operation .

  26. 针对轻轨车车体的特点,在连续变量优化分析的基础上,提出了改进的离散变量优化算法。

    Taking the optimization design features of light rail vehicle , abbreviated to LRV , into account , an improved optimization technique of discrete variables was presented based on analysis of optimization of continuous variables .

  27. 如何解决既满足性能要求又能保证自重最轻之间的矛盾,成为轻轨车车体设计和制造中的重要研究课题。

    It becomes an important research task to solve the contradiction of not only meeting the performance demand , but also ensuring the curb weight lightest in the design and manufacturing of the light rail vehicle body .

  28. 在简化的轻轨车模型基础上,模拟6辆编组的轻轨列车以25km.h-1速度撞击一列静止的轻轨列车,得到各辆车的动力学响应。

    Based on the simplified model , a light rail train consisted of six cars at the speed of 25 kilometer per hour crashed with a stable train and the dynamic response of each car was obtained .

  29. 文章对确定轻轨车交流牵引传动系统主要技术方案时所涉及到的技术问题及系统主要参数的确定方法进行了分析,并以郑州一号线轻轨系统的基本要求为基础数据进行了具体方案设计。

    The main problem on the design of light railway vehicle AC drive system is analyzed , and the determination method of main parameter of AC drive system is discussed . A technical scheme of the light railway vehicle on Route one of ZhengZhou Light Rail Transit is designed .

  30. 研制中,以机电一体化系统设计思想为指导,对轻轨移车平台设计方法进行了探讨。

    The paper discusses the design method of the tranverse mobile platform based on mechatronics design ideal .