
  • 网络timber frame;light wood frame construction;wood frame construction
  1. 北美轻型木结构在中国住宅中的应用

    The Adoption of North America 's Lightweight Timber Frame Structures in Chinese Housing Industry

  2. 但由于各种原因,轻型木结构在我国仍处于起步阶段,新的木结构设计规范第一次将齿板连接木桁架收录进来。

    But for various reasons , in our country light wood frame construction is still in its infancy , the metal plate joint first appears in the new code for design of timber structures .

  3. 轻型木结构建筑用覆面胶合板的产品特点及性能要求

    Characteristic and Quality Requirements of Plywood Sheathing for Wood Frame Construction

  4. 轻型木结构房屋在我国尚处于发展阶段,木框架剪力墙试验的目的是为我国轻型木结构房屋的推广和规范的修订提供理论和试验依据。

    Light wood-frame structures are currently being developed in China .

  5. 轻型木结构住宅节能与墙体传热研究

    Research on Energy-efficiency in Light-frame Wood Residence and the Wall Heat Transfer

  6. 轻型木结构规格材应力等级的检验方法

    Stress-grade inspection method of dimension lumber used for wood-frame construction

  7. 轻型木结构建筑胶合板覆板的握钉力性能

    Nail-holding Performance of Larch Plywood Sheathing in Light Frame Construction

  8. 国产轻型木结构墙体的稳态热量传递性质

    Steady-state Heat Transfer Performance of Domestic Light-frame Wood Wall

  9. 适合农村地区的绿色轻型木结构住宅

    New Green Light-Frame House Suitable for Rural Area

  10. 北美轻型木结构住宅建筑的特点

    Properties of North American Wood Frame Residential Constructions

  11. 轻型木结构是北美住宅建筑的主要结构形式。

    Wood frame construction is the most common style of residential buildings in North American .

  12. 轻型木结构住宅设计与施工

    Design and Construction of Light Wooden-structure Residence

  13. 轻型木结构体系的研究

    The Research of Wood Frame Construction

  14. 轻型木结构用意杨结构胶合板集中静载性能试验研究

    Test for performance of poplar residue plywood sheathing in light wood frame construction under concentrated loads

  15. 齿板连接木桁架凭其施工速度快、造价低等优点被广泛地运用于轻型木结构中。

    Because of its construction speed and low cost , metal plate wood truss is widely used in light wood frame construction .

  16. 介绍了轻型木结构覆板冲击载荷结构性能试验装置、试验条件和试验方法;

    This paper introduced the test devices , test conditions and test methods of impact loads construction of light frame construction sheathing performance .

  17. 轻型木结构住宅以其独特的环境友善、节能降耗、结构安全、健康舒适等优势,为人们创造了良好的居住环境。

    Light-frame wood residence can create a good living environment with advantages of environment-friend , energy-efficiency , structural safety , health and comfort .

  18. 随着现代轻型木结构建筑在国内的迅速发展,我国已开始从加拿大进口用于木结构的锯材。

    With the rapid development of modern light framing wood construction in China , more and more Canadian lumbers are imported into domestic market .

  19. 出口医用漂白布的品质要求和研制轻型木结构建筑用覆面胶合板的产品特点及性能要求

    Quality Requirements and Production of the Bleached Cloth for Medical Use in USA & EUR Characteristic and Quality Requirements of Plywood Sheathing for Wood Frame Construction

  20. 近年来,随着国外的木材和结构体系引入中国,北美的轻型木结构建筑在中国的建设逐渐增多。

    Because foreign wood products and construction systems are introduced to China in recent years , more and more North America light wood frame constructions are built in China .

  21. 介绍了轻型木结构住宅的工程概况,并阐述了轻型木结构体系中屋面、墙体和楼面结构的典型施工技术。

    The article on the structure of light-profile residential projects , and described the light wooden structure in the roof , wall and floor structure of a typical construction technology .

  22. 轻型木结构作为一种新型结构形式,在国内正得到重视和认可,因此我国迫切需要开展这方面的研究。

    Light wood-framed structure , which is being gained attention and recognized , is a new structure system in China , so there are many work need to do in this field .

  23. 意杨结构胶合板作为轻型木结构覆板的可行性研究胶合板:用三层或多层的木材薄片胶结在一起制成的复合板材。

    Research on the Feasibility of Yiyang Structure Plywood Used as Panel of Light Frame Construction Plywood : Manufactured panel made up of three or more thin plies ( layers ) of wood .

  24. 在北美等多地震地区得到广泛应用的轻型木结构具有优越的抗震性能,其中的木框架剪力墙是该结构房屋的主要抗侧力构件。

    Light-frame wood structure widely used in North America and other areas shows quite good seismic performance , and the wood shear walls is most important part to resist the lateral force resistance .

  25. 剪力墙是轻型木结构抵抗侧向荷载的重要构件,研究剪力墙的抗侧力性能是研究轻型木结构抗侧力性能的关键问题。

    Shear walls are commonly used as the primary component of the lateral load resisting system . The research on the performance of lateral load resistance is a key problem in Light-frame wood structures .

  26. 目前我国引进的轻型木结构均是采用进口的木材和成套的加拿大、美国的建造技术,如果结合我国本土特点,尚有优化空间。

    At present , the Light Wood Frame Construction that introduced to China uses imported timber and complete sets of construction technology from Canadian and American . There is optimization space if it combined with our local characteristics .

  27. 本文从齿板连接件力学性能、钉节点荷载性能以及木剪力墙有限元分析三个方面入手,利用实验研究和模拟分析两种方法对国产材料用于轻型木结构工程的可行性进行了论述。

    Through experimental research and simulation analysis , the paper studied the tooth plate connector mechanical performance , nail connector load performance and the finite element analysis of wood shear walls and then verified the feasibility of building house using domestic raw material .

  28. 今天的轻型木结构建筑是建立在建筑经验、最佳实践方法和规范要求的基础上,保证了轻型木结构建筑的长期安全性,舒适性,耐久性和使用性能。

    The light wood trusses building of today is set up experience of the building , on the best practice method and normal foundation that require , having guaranteed the long-term security of the light wood trusses building , comfortableness , durability and serviceability .

  29. 本论文通过对新型木结构屋顶系统的研究,引进在北美地区使用较为成熟的轻型木结构屋架系统,旨在为我国平改坡工程开发和推广轻型木结构屋顶系统。

    This paper focus on research on the roof system of modern wood constructions , introducing the mature roof system of light wood construction , aiming to popularize the roof system of light wood construction in the project of changing flat roof to sloping roof .

  30. 轻型木结构具有环保节能、使用性能好、施工安全、生态效益显著、保温隔热性能优良等许多优点,是一种较理想的居住建筑结构形式,近几年来,在我国应用逐渐增多。

    The Light Wood Frame Construction has so many advantages such as green energy , excellent operational performance , safety , significant ecological benefit , excellent thermal insulation properties , that it has been an ideal form of residential building construction and applied increasing gradually in recent years .