
  • 网络Flat to sloping;flat-to-sloping roof conversion
  1. 介绍了青岛实施平改坡工程的原因、进程,采用的设计方案和施工方法,并提出了几点建议。

    The article describes the reasons for flat-to-sloping roof conversion in Qingdao , its process , design adopted and construction method . Some suggestions are made as well .

  2. 平改坡工程中坡屋顶的热工性能及构造体系

    Thermal performance and construction details on sloping roof in the rebuilding

  3. 综合平改坡中进行节能改造的主要措施

    A Summary of Major Measures for Energy-saving Reconstruction during Roof Sloping

  4. 严格管理打造平改坡综合改造精品工程

    Strict Management Aims to Create High-quality Works during Sloping Comprehensive Reconstruction

  5. 住宅平改坡设计与施工

    Design and construction of " flat roof to slope roof " of residence

  6. 轻型彩钢瓦屋面在住宅平改坡工程中的应用

    Application of Light Color Steel Roofing in Housing Slope Roof Modification from Flat Roof

  7. 创造和谐生活&谈老式住宅小区平改坡综合改造工程

    To create harmonious life & To discuss aged-house-district plane to slope complex alteration project

  8. 太原市平改坡美化工程设计经验点滴

    The design experience for the projects altering flat ground into slope to beautify taiyuan

  9. 薄钢拱形槽板用于平改坡项目上的优势

    Advantage of Using Arched-type Sheet in Items of Altering from Level to Slope Roof

  10. 木结构技术在平改坡工程中的应用研究

    An Applicable Study on Wooden Structure Technologies for Housing Alteration Projects Featuring Slope Roofing

  11. 平改坡工程屋面卧梁切割成槽法工艺

    Horizontal Roof Beam Cutting and Groove Forming Method in Project of Roof Conversion from Flat to Sloping

  12. 屋顶平改坡对建筑热工性能影响的研究

    Studies on the influence of roof changed from flat to slope on the heating performance of building

  13. 住宅屋面平改坡的节能模拟分析&以北京地区为例

    Simulative Analysis on Energy-saving in Changing Flat Roofs to Slope Roofs in Residential Buiildings : Taking Beijing Area as the Example

  14. 本文从工程实践出发,对平改坡工程进行了阐述,并针对设计中的要点作一初步总结。

    We do a comprehensive expatiation of slope roof modification from practice and summarize key points of slope roof modification design .

  15. 当前正在进行的上海市旧小区平改坡综合改造是上海市旧住宅区更新改造的转型的标志。

    The " Pinggaipo " Synthesis Renewal for Old Residential District in Shanghai has become a transferal sign of the residential district renewal .

  16. 通过具体工程实例,介绍了平改坡施工工艺,分析了平改坡节能的经济效益。

    The construction techniques of this sort of projects were introduced by case histories , and the energy-saving economic benefit of flat-roof-to-slope-roof is also analyzed .

  17. 另一方面,在旧住宅区的更新改造方面,出现了以上海市旧小区平改坡综合改造为代表的具有鲜明特色的旧住宅区更新改造活动。

    On the other hand , there appears new ways on old residential renewal , while the " Pinggaipo " Synthesis Renewal for Old Residential District in Shanghai is a representation .

  18. 其应用范围广,特别适用于楼房加层、外墙保温、屋面平改坡、旧房改造等工程。

    Its range of application is wide , Suitable for building add layer , outer wall keep warm , flat to change slope , old room person who transform project roofing especially .

  19. 奥运会后,平改坡工程作为首都环境建设的长效机制和既有住宅节能改造的有效形式,仍将继续大量实施。

    After the Olympic Games was successfully completed , the government continues to run the flat to slope roof renovation project as the long-term mechanism for building up capital environment , and a efficient method of energy saving for current existing buildings .

  20. 最后,指出平改坡工程在经济上是合理、可行的,为相关部门投资决策提供了依据和参考。

    It will be further pointed that flat to slope roof renovation project is reasonable and feasible from the economic point of view , and this essay can provide some basis points and reference for the investment and decision making of related departments .

  21. 本论文通过对新型木结构屋顶系统的研究,引进在北美地区使用较为成熟的轻型木结构屋架系统,旨在为我国平改坡工程开发和推广轻型木结构屋顶系统。

    This paper focus on research on the roof system of modern wood constructions , introducing the mature roof system of light wood construction , aiming to popularize the roof system of light wood construction in the project of changing flat roof to sloping roof .

  22. 平改坡规划就是在建筑结构许可的前提下,将现有的低层或多层平顶楼房改建成坡型屋面,并对外立面进行修整,达到改善住宅性能和建筑物外观视觉效果的房屋修缮行为。

    Flat to pitched planning permission is the premise of building structures , the existing low-rise or multi-level top floor of the housing reform into slope-type roof , and facade to repair , to improve the appearance of residential properties and visual effects house building maintenance behavior .

  23. 由于旧房平屋面渗漏,保温隔热差,以及为了丰富建筑立面效果,提出平屋面改坡屋面的方法,并对该方法进行了探讨。

    Because of leakage and bad heat-insulating performance of the flat roof in the old house and in order to enrich the elevation effects , the paper puts forward the reconstructing method of changing flat roof into pitched roof and expounds upon it .