
  • 网络average inventory;average stock
  1. 研究表明共享需求信息可以降低供应商的平均库存和平均成本,而零售商不能直接从中获益。

    Analyses show that the reductions of supplier ′ s average inventory and average costs are substantial with the information sharing .

  2. 目标储备量、到货速率和发货速率对平均库存量和平均缺货量有显著影响。

    However , objective reserve , rate of supply and rate of deliver evidently affected average inventory and amount of goods in short .

  3. 通过与零售商共享需求信息可以有效降低其平均库存和成本均值,其中,实施VMI模式对供应商的影响最大。

    Through the way of information sharing with suppliers can reduce the average stock level sum cost mean value effectively . the effect that putting VMI pattern into practice to supplier is maximal .

  4. 结果:初始储备量的大小对系统的平均库存量和平均缺货量无明显影响;

    Mean Entropy Results : The quantity of initial reserve did not obviously effect the average inventory and amount of goods in short .

  5. 整个供应链和供应链中各环节的平均库存水平和服务水平是所介绍的模型中的主要供应链绩效指标。

    Average inventory level and service level in each stage and of whole chain are the main performance index at present research stage .

  6. 二是平均库存;三是期望费用(包括库存持有费用和缺货损失费用)。

    We analyze the value from three aspects : ordering strategy , average inventory and expected cost ( including inventory holding and shortage cost ).

  7. 相对于已有的方法,在不增加资源使用量的情况下,该方法可以节约平均库存成本30%以上。

    The results of the polynomial algorithm show that over 30 % of inventory costs is saved compared with conventional methods without further resource consumption .

  8. 数值实验结果表明,如果采用合理的库存控制策略,回收率对平均库存成本的影响是相当有限的。

    The numerical results show that , if we adopt a reasonable inventory control policy , return rate is fairly limited impact on the average inventory cost .

  9. 上个月,工业用大宗商品进口的某些放缓迹象或许反映出,去年秋天价格下跌时,许多中国企业都积累了高于平均水平的库存,现在已经没有多少空间储存更多了。

    Some of the slowdown in industrial commodity imports last month may reflect that many Chinese companies built above-average stockpiles last autumn as prices were falling , and now find themselves with scant room to store more .

  10. 平均实现,直到库存产品旧印章在各种市场销售完毕。

    Uniformity will be achieved , to the extent that stocks of products bearing the old seal is exhausted in the various markets .

  11. 仿真进行100天来统计各指标的平均值,通过调整库存的策略来分析平均库存量的变化趋势,从而试图获得比较理想的库存策略。

    Simulate for 100 days the average statistics of each index , by adjusting the inventory of strategies to analyze trends in average inventory , thus trying to get the ideal inventory policy .