
  • 网络plane body;planebody
  1. 基于类似形原理从单幅透视图识别平面立体

    Recognizing Polyhedrons from a Perspective Drawing Based on Principle of Homograph

  2. 平面立体三维重建多解的新算法

    A New Algorithm for Multi - solution Three-dimensional Reconstruction of Planar Bodies

  3. 利用两相交直线处理凸平面立体隐藏线

    Treatment of hidden lines of raised plane object with two intersecting lines

  4. 平面立体隐线算法和过程探讨

    A Study of the Algorithm and Process of Hidden Line in Plane Objects

  5. 用改变表面位置的方法设计平面立体的视图

    Designing the View of Plane Geometric Solid by Changing the Position of Face

  6. 实时双平面立体成像超声引导经直肠前列腺穿刺活检术临床评价

    Real-time Biplane Ultrasound-guided Transrectal Core Biopsies in the Prostate

  7. 关于平面立体隐藏线消除方法的探讨

    Approach to the Method of Removing the Hidden Lines in any Solid Bounded by Plane Surfaces

  8. 提出了一种基于点与直线关系从透视投影画隐线图建立平面立体线框模型的新方法。

    Then we propose a new method of reconstructing three-dimensional models from two-dimensional hidden-part-drawn line drawings .

  9. 本文介绍了一种消去两相贯凸平面立体的隐藏线算法。

    An algorithm for removing hidden lines formed by two intersected convex solids is presented in this paper .

  10. 本文论述了用两相交直线处理凸平面立体隐藏线的方法。

    The method of handling the hidden lines of raised plane object with two intersecting lines has been presented .

  11. 目的探讨实时双平面立体成像超声引导经直肠前列腺多点穿刺活检的临床价值。

    Objective To assess the efficacy and safety of real-time biplane imaging in ultrasound-guided transrectal core biopsies of the prostate .

  12. 同时结合几何结构对类似形进行定量分析,能反映平面立体形状的细微差别。

    The geometrical structure is used to analyze homograph quantitatively , the fine discrimination between planar objects can be shown .

  13. 方法回顾分析255例实时双平面立体成像超声引导下经直肠前列腺多点穿刺活检患者的临床资料。

    Methods We retrospectively reviewed the sonograms of 255 patients who had undergone ultrasound guided transrectal core biopsies of the prostate .

  14. 以射影几何、透视理论的基本原理为基础,探讨了根据平面立体,二次曲面及自由曲线的透视草图重建三维几何模型的若干问题。

    Sketch reconstruction of different models including planar models , conical surfaces and freeform curves are discussed based on the perspective theory .

  15. 在本设计中,采用了镜频回收和平面立体电路两种新技术。

    New technigues , the image recovery and the planar cir - cuit mounted in waveguide , are adopted in this design .

  16. 对标本施加最大为10.0N.m的力偶矩,使之产生前屈、后伸、左右侧屈和左右轴向旋转运动,并由双平面立体测量的计算机图像分析系统得到节段运动范围。

    Motions of flexion / extension , lateral bending and axial rotation were produced by six pure moments with maximum of 10.0N · m and measured with stereophotogrammetry .

  17. 介绍了怎样用摄影的方法获取井下地质资料,着重阐述了正直平面立体摄影测量的工作方法。

    This thesis introduces the method of how to get the underground geology datas by photography and especially , states the working method of stereophotogrammetric survey with the upright plane .

  18. 本文研制了基于双平面立体测量和计算机图像处理的脊柱三维运动的分析系统,该系统可以确定椎体的空间位置和节段间的线位移和角位移。

    A system to measure and analyse three-dimensional movements of spine was developed , which is capable of determining the position of points on vertebral and calculating linear and angle displacements of spinal segment .

  19. 然后根据线面之间的关系,来判断出其他元素的真伪,由此解决了重建平面立体中的多解问题。

    Then , using the relationship between relevant lines and planes , the authors can identify other true elements from false ones . The multi-solution problem for the reconstruction of planar body is thus resolved .

  20. 结果:多角度、多平面立体地显示正常中耳听骨链、面神经管、鼓室壁、鼓窦入口、锥隆起、卵圆窗、圆窗等结构,均表现基本一致。

    Results : The chain of ossicles , facial canal , paries tympanicus , aditus ad antrum , eminentia papillaris , oval window and round window of normal ear were volumetric displayed in multi-angle and multi-plan view with spiral CT .

  21. 文章针对高职院校园林艺术专业《插花艺术》课程,提出了平面立体平面立体融合创新的能力培养模式。

    In view of the course " the Arts of Inserting Flowers " offered by the gardening speciality , this paper brings out a mode of " plane - stereoscope - combination of plane and stereoscope - creativity " ability training .

  22. 考虑画出隐藏线的正轴测投影线图,根据线画图中隐含的约束条件,建立一个线性系统,通过求解该线性系统,得出平面立体的三维信息。

    On the basis of those coordinates relations hiding in the line drawing , some new constraints about lines have been proposed , and a linear system can be established , the three-dimensional information of a planar body can be obtained by solving the linear system .

  23. 通过ChemicalOffice软件模拟其立体结构,结果表明二氮杂萘酮联苯结构二酸化合物均具有扭曲、非共平面的立体构像。

    The 3D model molecules of diacids , simulated using the Program of Chemical Office software version 8.0 , show the kink and non-coplanar conformation of the diacids .

  24. 方法:本研究以肺腺癌A549细胞为研究对象,在体外进行平面及立体培养。

    METHODS : Material : Pulmonary adenocarcinoma cell line A549 cells were employed in our study .

  25. 在安阳钢铁集团有限责任公司焦化厂,模拟熄焦过程和焦炭转运过程,采用平面和立体喷洒方式向焦炭喷洒ZBS(焦炭改性剂)溶液。

    The coke was sprayed with the ZBS solution to simulate coke quenching and cooling process at Anyang Iron and Steel Co. , Ltd.

  26. 目的比较体外肺腺癌A549细胞在平面及立体培养条件下细胞周期、细胞凋亡及对化疗药物敏感性的变化。2下自旋这个可观测物理量。

    Objective To investigate the changes in cells on cell cycle , cell apoptosis and susceptibility to chemotherapeutic drugs of lung adenocarcinoma A549 cells under two dimensional ( 2D system ) and three dimensional ( 3D system ) culture conditions .

  27. 结论:采用多层螺旋CT、1.0mm准直的螺旋高分辨扫描后,行MPR/CPR、SSD和VB重组,能从平面和立体上直观地显示4~7级周围支气管,并评价该范围内的支气管病变。

    Conclusion : MDCT scan with spiral high resolution of 1.0 mm collimation combining with MPR / CPR , SSD and VB reconstruction can directly and vividly demonstrate the 4th to 7th-order bronchus in manner of plane and three-dimension , and evaluate the bronchial diseases within this extent .

  28. 结论采用MSCT机薄层耳部扫描,VR能从平面和立体直观地显示耳部听小骨及内耳各细微结构,且可全面清晰立体观察膜迷路、前庭及与内听道内面、听神经的关系。

    Conclusion MSCT ultra-thin section scan ( 0.5mm ) using volume rendering can display the fine structures of ears from the view of plane and three-dimension , as well as the relationship between membrane labyrinth , vestibule and facial / auditory nerve in the inner auditory canal entirely .

  29. 基于数字图像处理的平面图像立体化技术

    The Technology of Stereopicture from Flat-Image Based on Digital Image Processing

  30. 轮胎切平面的立体视觉测量方法研究

    Research on stereo vision measuring method for tire tangent plane