
  • 网络To Sang;leaf-suplying
  1. 今晚我要给桑娅清除粪便。

    And tonight I 'm gonna muck out sonya 's stall .

  2. 你给桑辟买了比我们还大还好的房子。

    You bought sang-pil a bigger and better house than ours .

  3. 所以还是给桑儿谈谈吧,给那些兵团司令们谈谈吧。

    So talk to sonny , talk to the caporegimes ;

  4. 限量给桑对家蚕丝腺成长规律的影响

    Study on the effect of ration feeding on silk gland growth law

  5. 他先给桑儿考利昂打电话,问他尼诺华伦提的电话号码。

    He called Sonny Corleone and asked him for Nino valenti 's number .

  6. 壮蚕期不同的给桑量对蚕茧产量和质量的影响

    Effects of different amount of LEAF-SUPPLY at the grown silkworm stage on the yield and quality of cocoon

  7. 谁给桑儿提供了会谈地点的情报?实际上提供的是错误的情报。

    Whoever had given Sonny the info on where the meeting was to be held had given him the wrong dope .

  8. 本试验从减少给桑回数和给桑量这2个方面,研究了稚蚕(1~3龄)的省力化养蚕技术。

    Rearing techniques of labor and leaf saving for young silkworm ( in the 1st to the 3rd instar ) were studied by decreasing feeding times and feeding amount .

  9. 为了探索五龄中不同发育时期减少给桑量对产茧质量的影响,以节约用桑。

    An experiment was carried out to investigate the effect of economic use of the amount of mulberry leaves supplied to the fifth instar of the silkworm at the early , middle and late stages .

  10. 以9·芙×7·湘及其原种为材料,通过幼虫期不同给桑量饲养、蛹期不同温度保护、不同交配时间及交配前后药物处理,调查家蚕的遗腹卵发生情况。

    The occurrence of unlaid eggs were investigated through different mulberry quantity feeding in larval stadium , different temperature preserving in pupal span , different mating time and medication in moth stage of 9 · Fu × 7 · Xiang ( F 1 and its parents ) .

  11. 我们发觉,我们干的主要是给戴维?伯德桑个人帮个忙。

    We discovered what were mostly doing was helping Davey birdsong .