
  • 网络to my dear;For My Dear;For My Sweet Heart
  1. 当然还要给我亲爱的兄弟们写一些什么。

    I also want to write something to my brothers here .

  2. 给我亲爱的丈夫:生日快乐。

    To my loving husband : Happy birthday .

  3. 写信给我亲爱的儿子提摩太。愿恩惠怜悯平安,从父神和我们主基督耶稣,归与你。

    To Timothy , my dearly beloved son : Grace , mercy , and peace , from God the Father and Christ Jesus our Lord .

  4. 然而,我恨他给我亲爱的母亲施加压力,她总想好好待我,可还得讨好她的新丈夫。

    Instead , I hated him for the influence he had over my dear mother , who wanted to be kind to me , but also wanted to please her new husband .

  5. 把你的外套给我,亲爱的。

    Give us yer coat , love .