
  • 网络Give Them a Chance
  1. 他们坐着埋怨别人不肯给他们一个机会。

    They sat bemoaning the fact that no one would give them a chance .

  2. 给他们一个机会来向你证明他们可以帮忙吧。

    Give them a chance to prove to you that they can help .

  3. 别这样,至少给他们一个机会。

    Oh , come on ! You could at least give them a chance .

  4. 中国成功参与了最近几届奥运会,因此我们认为应该给他们一个机会。

    China had participated successfully in recent Olympics and so we felt they deserved a chance .

  5. 如果这些责任合理并且恰当,那么给他们一个机会证明和提升自己。

    If those responsibilities are realistic and appropriate , then give them a chance to prove and improve themselves .

  6. 希望我能再次开始,为孩子们做更多事,帮他们上学,给他们一个机会。

    Hopefully , I can start again and do even more to get kids into school and just give them a chance .

  7. “然后给他们一个机会,以缴交罚款,支付税款,学习英语和立场一致的要求,才有资格申请法律地位,在这个国家”。

    And then give them a chance to pay a fine , pay back taxes , learn English and stand in line to be eligible for a legal status in this country .

  8. 因此他们已经在建立网际或因特网关系了,而我们希望给他们一个机会去形成一种货真价实的关系相互认识,相互理解。

    And so they are already building cyber or Internet relationships , and we want to give them a chance to form the real deal getting to know each other , getting to understand each other .

  9. 我们将给他们一个口试机会。

    We 'll give them an oral exam .

  10. 压岁钱给了他们一个机会,可以藉由买台自己的计算机来改变这一点。

    Red envelope money gives them a chance to change that by buying their own computer .

  11. 这样就给了他们一个机会,放慢忙碌的生活节奏,用各种方式观赏动物。

    It gives them a chance to slow down their busy lives and enjoy the animals in many ways .

  12. 如果我们走了,还有谁会给他们一个公平的机会呢?

    Who will give them a fair shot if we leave ?

  13. 的确,对于许多运动员来说,国家体育系统给他们提供了一个机会,摆脱在乡下务农的生活。

    Indeed , for many athletes the system provides an escape from lives of rustic labour .

  14. 比如开个党代表大会,给他们一个批评的机会。

    For instance , a party conference can be convened to provide an opportunity to make criticisms .

  15. 对于愿意接受外派的员工而言,派往国外可能给他们提供了一个机会,展现他们的能力。

    For willing employees , an international assignment may be a chance to show what they are capable of .

  16. 个性化工具必须简单易用,在用户确定选择之前给他们一个预览的机会。

    Tools for personalizing must be simple and easy to use , giving users a visual preview of their selections .

  17. 他们可能提前做了准备,但是这可以给他们一个说话的机会,也可以看一下遇到这种情况他们会怎么办。

    They may have prepared some , but it also gives them a chance to speak and see how they come across in that situation .

  18. 还有谁会给他们一个公平的机会呢志愿者们一个接一个地决定不放弃我们回到那些街区继续坚持工作

    Who will give them a fair shot . If we leave ? And one by one , the volunteers decided not to quit We went back to those neighborhoods and we kept at it .

  19. 我记得我当时还为他们难过了一阵子,我模模糊糊地感觉到,即使他们愿意也不可能成为好人,因为似乎没有人肯帮助他们,或者给他们一个公平的机会。

    I remember that I was sorry for them . I felt vaguely that they could not be good even if they wished to , because no one seemed willing to help them or to give them a fair chance .

  20. 我给他们一个重组团队的机会。

    And I gave them a chance to pick new teams .

  21. 接着我们会给他们一个下赌注的机会,接着再取得另外一个唾液样本。

    and then we give them an opportunity to gamble , and then we take another saliva sample .

  22. 一份与学生的专业相关的兼职工作给他们一个令人激动的机会去实践他们在学校中所学到的理论。

    A part-time job related to their major gives students an exciting chance to apply the theories they have learned in school .

  23. 请他们进入一个挤满了人的陌生房间,给他们一个环视周围的机会,然后要他们闭上眼睛报告他们看到了什么。

    Ask them to go into a strange room filled with people , give them a chance to look around , and then ask them to close their eyes and report what they saw .

  24. 另外,你给别人委派职责,并不是给别人带去了负担,而是在给他们一个成长的机会。

    And , you are not bringing others a ' burden ' & you are in fact bringing them a growth opportunity .

  25. 另外,你给别人委派职责,并不是给别人带去了“负担”,而是在给他们一个成长的机会。

    And , you are not bringing others a ' burden " --- you are in fact bringing them a growth opportunity .