
  • 网络Give me a feeling;unplugged;Gimme Feeling;Give me feeling
  1. 没人能像他一样给我感觉。

    He makes me feel like nobody else does .

  2. 请给我感觉权在的心中,它只是小问题。

    Please , do what feels right in our hearts , even though it is only a tiny matter .

  3. Ruby给我的感觉多于使用一个工艺精巧的工具。

    Ruby just gives me more of a feeling that I 'm working with a finely crafted tool .

  4. 那是另外一家上市公司——太阳微系统公司(SunMicrosystems),它与甲骨文给我的感觉截然不同。

    It was at another company that had just gone public , Sun Microsystems , and it had a distinctly different feel .

  5. 做坏事给我的感觉就像是在冒险,我从未被抓到过。

    My wrongdoings felt like adventures and I never got caught .

  6. 这张照片给我的感觉是,很像澳大利亚的蓝色海洋路。

    It feels like the blue pacific ocean road of Australia .

  7. 无言,无以言表,那就是你给我的感觉。

    Speechless , speechless , that 's how you make me feel .

  8. 你给我的感觉像是你会来啊

    Well you gave me the impression you were going .

  9. 他给我的感觉更像是律师或是保险代理人。

    He looked more like a lawyer or insurance agent to me .

  10. 我喜欢你给我的感觉。

    I love the way you make me feel .

  11. 我想他甚至不了解他给我的感觉。

    I don 't think he even knows how he makes me feel .

  12. 爱她给我的感觉

    I love how she makes me feel .

  13. 她说:“它现在给我的感觉还不像是一桩生意”。

    " It doesn 't feel like a business right now ," she says .

  14. 你给我的感觉是太用力了。

    I felt like you pushed for it .

  15. 你给我的感觉就像是太美而不忍心打开的礼物。

    You give me feelings that feel like presents almost too beautiful to open .

  16. 只是你给我的感觉就是这样子。

    U are just not that into me .

  17. 那次经历给我的感觉很不好,我再也不会住那家旅馆了。

    The experience was so negative that I would never stay at that hotel again .

  18. 我喜欢这块布给我的感觉,它摸上赴毛茸茸的很暖和。

    I like the feel of this cloth ; it has a warm woolly feel .

  19. 当我走进房间,它给我的感觉像是时间的弯曲。

    As I walked in , it felt like I was in a time warp .

  20. 马耳他给我的感觉是更像耶路撒冷或突尼斯(不像柏林)。

    Right now , Malta to me still feels more like Jerusalem or Tunis than Berlin .

  21. 教师,我喜欢教学工作给我的感觉。

    B : I 'm a teacher , and I like the feeling it gives me .

  22. 有时候,你给我的感觉是很高傲,甚至是看不起我们。

    Sometimes , you appears to be of superiority to us and even look down upon us .

  23. 他们很聪明,但给我的感觉是,如果出现更好的机会,他们就会离开。

    They are bright but give me the feeling that they 'll leave when something better comes along .

  24. 我总是连着好几个小时听他们的歌,去感悟他们的歌词所传达给我的感觉。

    I always spent hours listening to their songs feeling the feelings the lyrics just transmitted to me .

  25. 我能不能放的开,就是要看歌迷给我的感觉。

    Whether or not I can fully let go is down to the feeling the fans give me .

  26. 今天去新奥尔良了,一个南方的海港城市,它给我的感觉是,五彩斑斓!

    We go to New Orleans today , a harbor city in the south of America – with colorfulness .

  27. 它给我的感觉就是“快点把手头上的活全干完,因为后面还有好多事在等着呢。”

    It gives me the feel of " hurry and do everything now because everything else is waiting . "

  28. 这些建议给我的感觉,就像在老师背后贴一张粘纸,写着“踢我吧”。

    These suggestions strike me as the equivalent of putting a sticker on the teacher 's back saying Kick Me .

  29. 而面试官给我的感觉是:如果我们雇用了他,那么他当然是非常优秀的。

    And they were like : if we 're trying to hire him , of course he 's good enough .

  30. 这次访问结束以后,我有种感觉我可以是他的朋友,因为他给我的感觉非常真诚。

    After this interview , I thought I could be his friend , because I felt that he was really honest .