
  1. 短片介绍说,如果您能拯救它的家园,这只土拨鼠会给你一个吻!

    This marmot would like to give you a kiss for helping to save its home ! the description said .

  2. 我至少可以给你一个晚安吻吧?

    Could I at least give you a kiss good-night ?

  3. 生日快乐!给你一个特殊的吻。

    Oh my friend , once again ! Happy Birthday for you !

  4. (多希望能留在家里,给你一个深情的吻!)

    ( I wish I could stay home and give you a kiss !)

  5. 如果你被人捉到站在槲寄生下,某人就会给你一个甜蜜的吻!

    If you get caught standing under the mistletoe , someone has to kiss you !

  6. 如果谁伤了你的心,不要难过,另一个人会给你一个甜蜜的吻。

    If someone broke your heart once , don 't be upset , the other will give you a sweet kiss .

  7. 给你身边的人一个吻,一个拥抱。

    Give the person your side a kiss , a hug !

  8. 如果我知道这是最后一次看你离开家门,我会给你一个拥抱一个吻,然后重新叫住你,再度拥抱亲吻。

    I am sure you will be sorry you wasted the opportunity today to give a smile , a hug , a kiss , and that you were too busy to grant them their last wish .

  9. 哦,请再给我一天时间,让我给你一个真正的吻。

    Oh , can you give me one more day and let me give you a real kiss .