
chén mián
  • sleep soundly;be fast asleep
  1. 有些蝙蝠从飞机上投下来,沉眠不醒,像石头般直摔下去;

    Some bats slept through free fall and dropped like rocks ;

  2. 警戒的,他人尚在沉眠时就已经苏醒。

    On guard , being awake while others sleep .

  3. 那甜美的黑暗的鸟儿,她点亮双眼,唯恐沉眠死亡的沉眠。

    Sweet umberbird , lighten her eyes lest she sleeps the sleep of death .

  4. 因而现在我将沉眠。

    And thus now will I sleep .

  5. 鸦后相信将有一支大军会为了攻打她而再次被聚集,一支由黎明之战的士兵所组成的军队将从与时间开端同样古老的沉眠中苏醒过来。

    The Raven Queen believes an army is being gathered against her – an army composed of Dawn War soldiers roused from a sleep as old as the beginning of time .