
  • 网络Sedimentation Value;Zeleny
  1. SDS沉降值和角质率受到基因型效应和供氮效应两方面影响,但基因型效应是主要的;

    SDS sedimentation value and keratohyaline percent was determined by both genotype and effect of N-fertilizer , but genotype effect was principal .

  2. 要全面预测小麦品质遗传特性时,Zeleny沉降值和SDS沉降值都是必须的。

    Zeleny sedimentation value and SDS sedimentation value are all important when we predict genetic character of wheat quality .

  3. 1BL/1RS易位对SDS沉降值和HMW-GS的多样性效应

    Diversity Effects of 1BL / 1RS Translocation on SDS sedimentation and HMW-GS in bread Wheat

  4. SDS沉降值的化学基础是GMP,它既与蛋白质含量有关,也与蛋白质品质有关;

    The chemical basis of SDS sedimentation volume is GMP which is dependent on both quantity and quality of protein ;

  5. 结果表明:SDS沉降值与蛋白质含量、GMP含量分别呈极显著正相关,蛋白质含量和GMP含量间也呈极显著正相关。

    The result showed that it was significant positive correlation among GMP content , protein content and SDS sediment value .

  6. 干、湿面筋含量、蛋白质含量和单位面筋沉降值以GCA效应为主。

    Wet and dry gluten content , S. G S and protein content were controlled by GCA effect .

  7. 沉降值与TOM值呈极显著负相关。通径分析表明,全蛋白含量对TOM值的直接影响最大,剩余蛋白含量次之,醇溶蛋白含量列第三位;

    Path analysis revealed that the total protein content was in the first place in the direct effect on noodle quality , surplus protein content the second , and gliadin content the third .

  8. SIG和SDS沉降值是受蛋白质数量和质量共同影响的指标。

    SIG ( swelling index of glutenin ) and SDS-sedimentation value are affected by wheat protein quality together with the protein quantity .

  9. 利用近红外透射光谱测定小麦Zeleny沉降值的研究

    Uses the Near-Infrared Transmission Spectrometry Wheat Zeleny Subsidence Value the Research

  10. 根据实测的路基沉降值,利用AME法预测路基的最终沉降量和工后沉降量。

    The article use the AME method to forecast the final settlement and completion settlement of the foundation .

  11. 一些高分子量麦谷蛋白亚基的遗传及其对SDS沉降值的效应分析

    Analysis of the Effects on SDS Sedimentation Value and the Heredity of Some High Molecular Weight Glutenin Subunits ; Numerical Simulation for Ground Settlement Induced by Foundation Pit Dewatering

  12. 其中,Glu-D1、Glu-B1与蛋白质含量和沉降值均相关显著。

    Glu-B1 , and protein contend and sedimentation value was significant .

  13. 采用Douglas法对2004~2005年度四川小麦区试的各参试品系进行了全麦粉的戊聚糖含量及SDS沉降值的测定。

    Pentosan content of the new wheat lines in regional trial of Sichuan province in the years 2004-2005 was measured by Douglas method as well as the SDS-sedimentation value .

  14. 检测了群体中籽粒硬度、蛋白质含量、SDS沉降值、拉伸面积等品质性状,它们在群体中呈近似正态的连续分布,为多基因控制的数量性状。

    All traits including kernel hardness , protein content , SDS sedimentation and extension area appeared a continuous distribution near to normal , which means that they were quantitative traits controlled by multi-genes .

  15. 高分子量麦谷蛋白亚基表达量与全粉蛋白质含量和SDS沉降值的相关系数较高,与和面时间、耐揉性及弱化值的相关系数较低。

    Correlation coefficients between quantity of HMW-GS and whole meal protein content , and SDS sedimentation were relatively higher than coefficients between quantity of HMW-GS and Mixograph parameters such as mixing time , mixing tolerance and weakness .

  16. 蛋白质含量、GMP含量、沉降值与面包加工品质密切相关,且用量少,可作为早代材料选择的依据。

    Protein content , GMP content and sedimentation value , just used a small amount of sample , are closely related to bread baking quality and can be used for the early generation selection .

  17. 地表的最大沉降值为18.6mm;

    The maximal settlement value of ground surface is 18.6mm ;

  18. 测定了50个小麦品种(系)与小麦加工品质相关的6个品质性状,分别为湿面筋含量、蛋白质含量、泽伦尼沉降值、AWRC、SDS沉降值和膨胀势;

    Six quality traits of fifty wheat varieties as gluten content 、 protein content 、 zeleny sedimentation volume 、 alkaline water retention capacity ( AWRC )、 SDS sedimentation volume and swelling power were determined to analyze their correlations .

  19. 采用SDS-PAGE方法分析了386份CIMMYT小麦材料的高分子量麦谷蛋白亚基(HMW-GS)组成,并测定了其微量SDS沉降值,同时评估了各亚基对小麦烘烤品质的贡献。

    The composition of high molecular weight glutenin subunits ( HMW-GSs ) of 386 wheat lines from CIMMYT by the SDS-PAGE was identified , the micro SDS sedimentation value was determined , and the effect of the HMW-GS on wheat baking quality was evaluated .

  20. 优质亚基对小麦面包烘烤品质的显著性差异主要表现在Zeleny沉降值上,亚基5+10对小麦Zeleny沉降值有显著影响;

    The main effection of the high quality subunits on wheat baking qualities was Zeleny sedimentation . The varieties which had 5 + 10 subunit have salient effect on sedimentation than those had other subunits .

  21. 同一位点不同亚基对面粉吸水率、Zeleny沉降值、面团形成时间、稳定时间、公差指数、断裂时间等共6个性状均有不同程度的显著影响;

    The results showed that the effects were different significantly among different subunits at the same loci for water absorption , Zeleny sedimentation value , dough development time , dough stability time , mixing tolerance index and breakdown time .

  22. 适合北方优质馒头所需馒头专用粉的品质指标为:湿面筋含量28%~33%,稳定时间3~7min,蠕变值>1000mm3/g,SDS沉降值>30mL。

    The quality index of wheat flour suitable for northern-style steamed bread were as follows : wet gluten content 28 ~ 33 % , stability time 3 ~ 7 min , creep value > 1000 mm 3 / g , and sedimentation value > 30mL .

  23. 研究表明:①桩网结构累积沉降值较小,能满足无砟轨道对工后沉降25.0mm的要求;

    The research results indicate that : The post-construction settlement of the soil subgrade reinforced with the column-net structure is small enough to meet the design standard of settlement of 25.0mm ;

  24. 一般的做法是给定一个沉降值极限,认为不超过该极限即可。

    General solution is to supply with a settlement limit value .

  25. 小麦高分子量谷蛋白亚基积累量与沉降值的关系

    The Relationship between Accumulative Content of HMW-GS and Sedimentation in Wheat

  26. 沉降值与其它品质性状多呈显著或极显著的正相关,可作为品质育种早代选择指标;

    Sedimentation value had significant positive correlations with other quality characters .

  27. 另外,由于长桩的存在,可使浅层土应力减少、较深层土的沉降值降低。

    Long pile makes shallow soil stress reducing and deeper soil displacement falling .

  28. 小麦遗传资源籽粒硬度和面粉沉降值的研究

    Studies on grain hardness and flour sedimentation value of genetic resources in Wheat

  29. 沉降值与面筋指数呈正相关。

    While sedimentation value and gluten index were positive-correlated .

  30. 国外资源中以阿根廷样品沉降值最高。

    Sedimentation value of samples from Argentina were the highest among the foreign samples .