
  • 网络anchorage;anchorage device;ground anchor
  1. 预应力CFRP板夹片式锚具的研制与试验研究

    Development and experimental investigation of wedge-type anchorage for prestressed CFRP Plates

  2. 碳纤维筋(CFRP)夹片式锚具的有限元分析

    Finite Element Analysis of CFRP Tendons under Action of Wedge - type Anchorage

  3. 预应力FRP筋锚具的研究与发展

    Studies and Application on anchorages of prestressed FRP Tendons

  4. CFRP斜拉索锚具的静载试验研究

    Study of Static Load Tests of CFRP Stay Cable Anchors

  5. CFRP拉索试验桥锚具的有限元分析

    Finite element analysis of bonding anchors for experimental bridge with CFRP cables

  6. 预应力FRP筋锚具的研发

    Development of anchor devices of prestressed FRP tendon

  7. 同时对国内外新开发的CFRP筋专用锚具作了简单介绍。

    And the anchorages developed newly for CFRP home and broad are simply introduced .

  8. STM锚具锚下结构分析与设计

    Analysis and design of the structure under STM anchorage

  9. 由于锚固CFRP片材吨位的提高,对试验锚具的要求就更加复杂了。

    Due to the amount of CFRP sheet has been raised , one more complicated test anchor is needed .

  10. 机械夹持粘结型锚具锚固的CFRP板预应力损失主要是结构弹性压缩造成,一般是张拉预应力的10%左右,锚固效率比粘结型锚具高。

    The slight prestress losses of CFRP laminate with mechanical gripping bond-type anchor are mainly due to elastic deformations .

  11. 碳纤维筋应用于预应力结构,其锚固问题是需要解决的重要问题,对CFRP预应力筋的锚具进行专门的研究很有必要。

    The anchorage problem of CFRP bars has to be solved if it is to be used in the prestressed structures .

  12. TM、ZM系列预应力锚具静力、疲劳性能试验研究

    The testing study on the mechanical and fatigue behaviour of TM & ZM anchorage system

  13. CFRP预应力筋夹片式锚具的试验研究有偏转角度夹片式扁锚静载试验方法探讨

    Experimental Investigation of Wedge-type Anchors for CFRP Tendons Approach to Static Load Test Method of Clamping Piece Type Flat Anchorage with Deflection Angle

  14. 主要包括锚具的开发研究和锚固形式的确定。在实验室对CFRP筋锚固性能进行相应的试验,设计出一套完整的CFRP索的锚固系统。

    Carries on the corresponding experiment in the laboratory to the CFRP anchor , designs a set of complete anchor system of CFRP cable .

  15. 本课题组提出的“波形齿锚具系统应用于预应力CFRP片材体外快速加固的技术”解决了锚固CFRP难的问题。

    The anchoring CFRP sheet technology is the remarkable characteristic why the WSGG anchor is better than the other technique applied to CFRP sheet .

  16. 目前国内外已有的研究主要包括预应力CFRP板锚具研究、预应力CFRP板加固混凝土梁试验研究、预应力CFRP板加固混凝土梁非线性有限元分析以及预应力CFRP板加固混凝土梁理论研究等4个方面。

    Present investigations on prestressed CFRP laminates mainly focus on anchorage system , experimental and theoretical studies as well as nonlinear element analysis of strengthened concrete beams .

  17. 主要的研究内容及其相应的研究成果如下:(1)开发了一种新的CFRP筋粘结式锚具,即采用活性粉末混凝土RPC(ReactivePowderConcrete)作为粘结介质的粘结式锚具。

    This dissertation involves mainly the following investigations and corresponding results : 1 . A new bond-type anchor for CFRP tendons is developed , whose bond medium is Reactive Powder Concrete ( RPC ) .

  18. 粘结型锚具锚固CFRP板预应力损失因为较大的锚固装置变形可达张拉预应力的30%-50%。

    The prestress losses of CFRP laminate with bond-type anchor were 30 % - 50 % of the initial prestress because of the large deformation of anchorage set .

  19. 但其横向抗剪及抗挤压强度较低,现有的预应力筋和拉索锚具体系不再适用于FRP预应力筋和拉索。

    The existing anchorage system for prestressed tendons and cables of steel is no longer appropriate for that of FRP due to their low transverse shear strength and crushing resistance .

  20. 因此,在目前可供选择的粘结介质中,RPC作为综合性能优良的粘结介质可在粘结式锚具中对具有表面压纹的高强CFRP筋提供最有效的锚固。

    In the case of different bond media , RPC shows the best performance as a bond medium in the bond-type anchorage for the indented surface CFRP tendons .

  21. 在本文的最后,对适合碳纤维(CFRP)筋锚具的发展和进一步研究提出了建议和注意的问题。

    At last , this paper puts forward some advices and advertent problems to anchor methods , which will be more adapt to CFRP and develop the anchorage systems .

  22. 针对外贴预应力CFRP条带加固结构锚固不牢靠,易发生剥离的问题,本研究课题开发出一种新型的机械锚具。

    According to the prestressed CFRP reinforced belt stick their precariously anchor structure , it is easy to have the problem of detachment , this research subject developed a new type of mechanical anchorage .

  23. 预应力砼梁的应力损失(σ(s2))的新解&在锚具变形、钢筋回缩和接缝压缩引起的条件下

    New Solution of Stress Loss σ _ ( s2 ) for Prestress Concrete Beam & Under the Condition of Anchor Deformation , Contraction of Reinforcing Streels and Compress of Juncture

  24. 随着高强钢绞线和新型锚具等现代预应力技术的发展以及施工技术水平的提高,低高度PPC梁的应用日益广泛。

    With the development of modern technology in prestressing , such as high strength strands and new types of anchorage , and improvement on construction workmanship , low PPC beams are being used more and more widely .

  25. 针对FRP材料的锚具系统,国内学者对灌浆粘结式锚具和夹片式锚具进行了较多的分析和试验研究,但研究中锚环大多仍采用钢材,不能彻底解决耐久性问题。

    Many analysis and experimental researches related to bond-type anchorage and wedge-type anchorage have been conducted by domestic scholars in area of anchorage system for FRP . In those researches , anchorage barrels are made of steel , which does not solve the problem of durability .

  26. 预应力CFRP板的锚固与预应力损失分析是非常重要的,研究发现:机械夹持粘结型锚具结合机械夹持式锚具和粘结型锚具的优点,安全可靠,适合预应力CFRP板的锚固。

    It was found that mechanical gripping bond-type anchor combines the benefits of Mechanical gripping anchor and bond-type anchor , and it is more reliable and efficient for the anchorage of prestressed CFRP laminates . The prestress losses related to different anchor systems were also investigated .

  27. 本文分析了现行钢筋砼结构设计规范(TJ(10)&74)中关于锚具变形引起的预应力损失计算公式所存在的问题,推导出曲线力筋锚具变形损失σ(11)的计算公式。

    This paper analyses the problem that calculation of the loss of prestress is caused anchorage deformations , where the ( TJ10-74 ) code have being used in our engineering . The paper put forward the formula of calculating the loss of prestress caused anchorage deformations for posttensioning curvilinear tendons .

  28. 环氧锚固剂在桥梁缆索锚具锚固中的应用

    Application of epoxy anchoring agent during anchorage fixing of bridge cables

  29. 钢绞线索夹片式锚具张拉要点及常见问题

    Points and Common Problems on Steel Cable Strand Tapered Anchorage Stretch

  30. 钢绞线预应力筋用齿合型单孔开口锚具的设计与试验研究

    Design and test of dentate opening anchorage for single-strand prestressed tendons