
  • 网络cable;anchor cable;Anchor Wire
  1. ANSYS数值模拟结果证明,该锚索补强支护方案对巷道围岩控制是有效的。

    The results of ANSYS numerical simulation validate that the cable support technique can control entry stability .

  2. 基于Mindlin解的预应力锚索荷载-变位关系

    Load-Deformation Relation of Prestressed Anchor Cable Based on Mindlin Solution

  3. 网式锚索支护在南IV盘区的应用

    Application of the Net Type Bolt Support in the South IV Mining Area

  4. 通过建立非线性接触数值模型进行有限元分析,掌握了U形锚索锚固作用下的混凝土应力分布规律。

    Through the establishment of non-linear numerical model , master the law of concrete stress distribution in the u-type pier .

  5. 以昆洛路K1+440~K1+780边坡为例,阐述用MATLAB语言进行预应力锚索抗滑桩稳健优化设计的方法。

    Taking the slope in Kunluo Road K1 + 440 ~ K1 + 780 as an example , the present method is described based on language MATLAB .

  6. 分析高强度锚杆支护材料的力学性能,包括锚杆、锚固剂、W型钢带和锚索;

    The mechanical properties of high strength rock bolting materials , such as rock bolts , resin capsule , W-shaped strap and cable bolts are analysed .

  7. 阐明了预应力锚索地梁内力的计算应该分张拉阶段和工作阶段分别计算,介绍了按Winkler假定计算预应力锚索地梁的内力的方法。

    Its internal forces calculating methods separately according to the two steps and Winkler foundation hypothesis are given .

  8. 利用有限差分程序FLAC对一种新型预应力锚索&压力分散型锚索的锚固机理进行了数值模拟研究。

    The anchoring mechanism of a Pre-stressed Anchor Cable under Dispersive Pressure ( PACDP ) was studied with FLAC software .

  9. 本文介绍了GMS-500型锚索测力计在梅山铁矿深埋大变形地下硐室工程中应用情况。

    The paper describes the application of GMS-500 tension meter of anchor rope in the greatly deformed deep underground cavity engineering in Meishan Iron Mine .

  10. OVM高防腐压力分散型锚索的工程应用

    Application of OVM High Anti-corrosion and Compression Dispersive Rock-anchor Cable

  11. 在Mindlin位移解的基础上,导出了锚索有效锚固长度的计算公式,分析了影响有效锚固长度的因素;

    Based on Mindlin 's solution of displacement , the equation of effective length of bolt support has been derived . Some factors affecting the effective length are analyzed .

  12. 但锚索长度增加1倍以上,单束长达74m,且为环形,施工难度大。

    Because the length of the cable doubles ( up to 74 m for single bunch cable ) and is ring , the cable construction is very difficult .

  13. 左、右岸防淘墙厚3m,墙顶高程200m,最大墙深40m,处于坝下常水位以下,采用预应力锚索将墙体与岸坡岩体锚固。

    The scour prevention walls on both banks are 3 m thick , with maximum depth of 40 m and the crest elevation of 200 m , submerged under the downstream normal water level and anchored with rock slope by prestressed cables .

  14. X1-107工作面风巷、机巷顶板及两帮采用高强度螺纹钢锚杆支护、并对顶板采用小孔径预应力锚索加强支护,有效地保持了围岩稳定。

    The air roadway and conveyor roadway of X1-107 mining face are supported by high strength thread steel bolt and enhanced with small diameter prestressed anchor cable on the roof , which has maintain the stability of the surrounding rock effectively .

  15. 长晋高速公路K28+700-K33+700左侧边坡压力分散型锚索施工

    The Pressure Dispersed Anchor Cable Construction of Changjin Expressway Left-Side Slope

  16. 层状岩质边坡预应力锚索加固工程应用分析

    Engineering application analysis of prestressed anchor rope reinforcing layered rock slope

  17. 带预应力锚索的复合式隧道锚试验研究

    Experimental Study on Compound Tunnel - Type Anchorage with Prestressed Cables

  18. 预应力管桩加预应力锚索深基坑支护施工实录

    The deep foundation pit supported with prestressed pipe-piles and anchored cables

  19. 应用锚索支护切眼的探索

    Exploration of Applying Bolting and Anchor Rope Support in Open-off Cut

  20. 预应力锚索自动张拉监控系统研究

    Research on Monitoring System for Automatic Tensioning of Pre-stressed Anchorage Cable

  21. 大断面回采巷道交叉口锚索支护技术

    Study on Anchor Support of Crossings in Large Section Extraction Roadway

  22. 桩基托梁施工技术预应力锚索桩基托梁挡土墙在工程中的应用

    The application of earth-retaining wall with prestressed anchored pile foundation underpinning

  23. 预应力锚索加固边坡应用及稳定性分析

    The Application and Stability Analysis of Prestressed Anchor Rope Reinforce Slope

  24. 松散介质内大吨位长锚索的受力研究

    Study on Big Tonnage and Long-anchor 's Stress in Loose Substance

  25. 长锚索钻孔弯曲的预防与测量

    Prevention and Measurement for The Deviation of Long Cable Bolt Holes

  26. 预应力锚索锚固效应的仿真试验与数值模拟研究

    Simulation test and numerical simulation of anchoring effect of priestesses cable

  27. 预应力锚索在基础纠偏加固中的应用

    Application of prestressed ground anchors in rectification and reinforcement of foundation

  28. 预应力锚索支护体系在盖挖逆作工程中的应用

    Application of Timbering System with Prestressed Anchor Rope in Top-Down Construction

  29. 预应力锚索在卸荷岩体中的作用机理

    The Action Mechanism of Prestress Anchor Rope in Loading Rock Mass

  30. 预应力锚索混凝土衬砌隧洞的耐久性及其改进

    Durability of pre-stressed anchorage-cable concrete for tunnel lining and its improvement