
máo bó
  • mooring;drop anchor;lie at anchor
锚泊 [máo bó]
  • [anchor] [船舶] 抛锚停泊

  • 它是一条锚泊于深圳湾边的一万四千吨客轮

  1. 多点锚泊定位的DCS控制系统探讨

    A Study on the DCS Control System Used for Multiple Anchoring Positioning

  2. 具体方法是通过悬链线理论和B样条拟合求得浮筒所受的锚链力,然后求解结构的时域运动方程得到结构物的运动响应和锚泊系统的内部应力。

    The mooring force on buoy is calculated in use of the catenary 's theory and B-Spline functions fitting , then the motion equation is solved in time domain .

  3. 当前在船舶工程和海洋工程中,主要采用两种定位系统:锚泊定位系统(MooringSystem)和动力定位系统(DynamicPositioningSystem,DPS)。

    Currently in the ship engineering and marine engineering , there are two kinds of main positioning system : Mooring System and Dynamic Positioning System ( DPS ) .

  4. 本文创新地以Matlab软件为基础结合蒙特卡洛算法建立关于锚泊容量计算模型。

    In this paper the author innovatively introduces Matlab software and the Monte Carlo algorithm and sets up the model of anchor capacity calculations based on this software .

  5. 由于刚棒取向的特性和囊泡曲率的连续性的影响,表现出与Gaussian链锚泊的囊泡体系不同的行为。

    Due to the rigidity of the rod and the continuity of the vesicle curvature , the exhibited behaviors are very different from that of the Gaussian chain anchored vesicles .

  6. 为满足这一要求,着重介绍了用以微处理机为基础的集散型控制系统(DCS)对多点锚泊定位实行控制可以达到安全、可靠、精确。

    TO meet the requirements , a dispersed control system ( DCS ) based on PC computer is developed to perform control to the multi-point anchoring positioning , with safe , reliable and accurate control .

  7. 动态差异研究比较项目包括锚泊阻尼,单位振幅动态张力,张力谱以及张力传递函数RAO等。

    Comparative items for dynamic difference research includes mooring line damping , dynamic tension force per unit amplitude , tension spectrum and tension RAO .

  8. 根据带控制变量的非线性自回归滑动平均(NARMAX)模型理论,建立了锚泊线的系统模型。

    A system model of a mooring line was constructed according to the NARMAX model theory .

  9. 本文对于给定的FPSO,首先构造了全锚泊系统、全动力定位系统及由其交叉组合而成的多种定位方案。

    For a given FPSO , some station keeping plans are designed first in this paper , which based on the mooring system or dynamic positioning ( DP ) system technology .

  10. 锚泊线的性能直接影响到锚泊系统的可靠性,因此它的合理选择及设计成为Spar平台锚泊系统设计的重点。

    While mooring line directly affect the performance of mooring system reliability , to reasonably select and design the lines has become the focus of the Spar platform mooring system design .

  11. 12500t化学品/成品油船锚泊、系泊设计

    Design on the anchoring and mooring of a 12500t chemicals / oil product carrier

  12. 本文的主要研究内容为预测与分析Spar平台在风、浪、流载荷及锚泊力共同作用下的运动,同时本文考察了三种计算流载荷的方法。

    The main purpose of this thesis is to predict the motions of a Spar platform due to wind , current and wave . And then , an investigation on three methods of computing current force is conducted .

  13. 采用美国数据浮标中心(NDBC)提出的分析方法,即将锚泊线动力方程线性化,并考虑到锚泊线与浮标体之间相互耦合的关系,在频率域中对单点系泊浮标进行了动力分析。

    The method proposed by NDBC is used to solve the dynamic problem of moored buoy . In this method , the dynamic equations of mooring line were linearized while the interaction between buoy motions and cable motions is taken into consideration .

  14. 转塔式锚泊系统初步设计图谱

    System atic graphs for the preliminary design of turret mooring system

  15. 安全锚泊的极限风速研究

    A Study on Safe-Limit of Wind Speed for Ships at Anchor

  16. 波浪中锚泊半潜式平台的运动

    The motion of a moored semi - submersible platform in waves

  17. 锚泊系统在不规则波中模型试验时的海洋环境模拟

    Ocean enviroment simulation of moored systems model tests in irregular waves

  18. 最后对今后锚泊移位系统的发展方向加以展望。

    Finally the development of the mobile mooring system is discussed .

  19. 三十万吨浮船坞的锚泊系统设计

    The design of anchor mooring for 300 000 DWT floating dock

  20. 有关在暴风雨气候下锚泊安全评价的研究

    Study on the safety assessment of anchoring system under stormy weather

  21. 深海抗风浪网箱锚泊系统的设计

    Mooring System Design for Storm-Proof Aquaculture Cages in Deep Sea Areas

  22. 海洋工程锚泊系统的分析研究

    Analyze and Research on Mooring System for the Ocean Engineering

  23. 基于锚链状态监测的锚泊安全评估

    Assessment of anchoring safety based on the watching condition of anchor chain

  24. 方形结构网箱单箱体型锚泊系统的优化研究

    Optimization of the single-cage mooring system for square net cage

  25. 立柱式平台的锚泊系统动力分析

    The Dynamic Analysis of Mooring System of the Spar Platform

  26. 关于发展我国漂流浮标和锚泊浮标技术的建议

    Suggestion on Developing Technology for Drifting Float and Moored Buoy in China

  27. 现代大型油轮锚泊双舷过驳安全问题研究

    Study on the Safety When VLCCs Lighting by Double Sides in Anchorage

  28. 船在海湾里锚泊着。

    The ship is riding at anchor in the bay .

  29. 锚泊船舶出链长度及张力估算

    Evaluation of Anchoring Chain Length and Tension of Anchored Ship

  30. 锚泊船之间距离概率分布模型的研究

    A study on the probability distribution of the distance between anchored vessels