
  • 网络section
  1. 主要工作内容有:钻孔,锚索制安,内锚段及张拉段灌浆,垫座及外锚头混凝土浇筑,张拉。

    It involves in boring hole , manufacturing and installing anchorage cable , grouting the inner anchoring section and pulling section , and pouring and pulling the cushion pad and outer anchorage head .

  2. 在预应力锚索荷载传递机理和加固效应文献综述的基础上,对压力(分散)型锚索内锚段剪应力分布的常用理论公式进行了对比分析。

    On the basis of literature review on load transfer mechanism and reinforcement effect of prestressed anchor cable , some normal theoretical solutions of shear stress distribution at anchoring section are compared with each other .

  3. 1000kN级的226束,其钻孔直径为115mm,孔深为27~30m,内锚段长为5.0m。

    226 cables in 1000 kN grade and with drilling hole diameter of 115 mm , hole depth of 27 ~ 30 m and anchorage length of 5 m.

  4. 预应力锚索内锚段粘结强度及长度的确定

    Determination of Cohesive Strength and Length of the Grouted Part of Prestressed Cables

  5. 既有线提速接触网锚段关节改造方案的优化

    Optimization of Reconstruction Scheme of the Overlap of Overhead Contact Line of Existing Railway

  6. 弹性链形悬挂锚段关节过渡跨吊弦长度的计算

    Calculation of Dropper Length in Transitional Span of Overlapping Section in Stitched Chain Suspension

  7. 绝缘锚段关节电分段隔离开关安装位置的研究高铝陶瓷分段绝缘器

    A Brief Study on Installment Position of Electric Sectioning Disconnector on Insulated Overlapping section

  8. 接触网全补偿链形悬挂5跨锚段关节过渡跨吊弦计算模型的探讨

    Research on Computation Model of Transition Stride Hanger of 5-stride Overlap with Auto-tensioned Catenary Equipment

  9. 对哈大线接触网锚段关节的设计特点进行简要分析,提出了我国电气化铁路接触网锚段关节设计存在的问题和改造方案。

    Analyzing the characteristics of the contact line ′ s overlap in Ha-Da Railway briefly , the design problem of the contact line ′ s overlap on the electrified railway is proposed .

  10. 通过计算,求出整个锚段内接触线的延伸量、收缩量和直线拉出值,从而得出断线时接触线总预留长度。

    And the extension amount , extraction amount and tangent line stagger of the contact wire in the whole tensioning section can be obtained by calculation , and then the total reservation length of contact wire before cutting can be obtained thereof .

  11. 当相对密度较高或锚碇段长度较长,于地锚达极限拉拔力时,其降伏范围也较大。

    As relative density of soil or fixed length of an anchor increased , the yielding zone also expanded when the anchor was stressed to ultimate load .

  12. 基于理论分析、模型试验与曲线拟合方法,初步研究了由预应力钢锚索、水泥砂浆和混凝土体三种异质材料粘结复合而成的锚固体内锚根段界面性状、传力机理和界面应力;

    Based on theoretical analyses , model test and curve fitting , interface property , transfer mechanism and interface stress at anchorage length of anchored systems which are made up of bolts , grout and prestressed concrete are primarily studied .

  13. 预应力岩锚内锚段作用机理与计算方法探讨

    Exploration on working mechanism and calculating method of inner bonding section of prestressed cables within rock mass

  14. 导波在端锚锚杆锚固段上界面的反射研究

    Research on the guided wave reflecting from the upper interface of partially grouted rock bolt muzzle an anchor

  15. 锚固体锚根段的传力机理试验研究

    Experimental research for transfer mechanism of anchored system at anchorage length

  16. 数值计算方面,确定了三维八结点和四结点点辐射映射无限元的位移函数和坐标映射函数,并与等参元耦合,对预应力锚索锚头和锚固段的受力进行了数值模拟计算。

    In numerical study , the displacement functions and coordinate radiation functions of the 3D 4-node and 8-node dot radiation infinite elements are derived . They are coupled with the isoparameter elements to simulate the action of the pre-stress anchor head and segment .

  17. 悬索桥重力式锚碇锚体后悬段挑梁支撑法施工

    The Corbel Supported Method for Constructing the Back Suspended Part of the Weight Anchor Block