
chéng lì suǒ
  • carrier cable
承力索[chéng lì suǒ]
  1. 承力索座在接触网中的应用及其加工工艺

    Application of Messenger Wire Holder in OCS and Its Processing Technique

  2. 三起典型承力索断线故障原因分析与处理

    Analysis and Settlement of Three Typical Examples of Messenger Wire Broken

  3. 电气化铁路铝包钢型承力索终端锚固的研究

    Research on Terminal Anchorage for Aluminum-coated Steel Messenger Wire on Electrified Railways

  4. 高强度铜合金承力索及吊弦的开发

    Development of High Strength Copper Alloy Messenger Wire & Dropper

  5. 承力索终端锚固线夹脱落原因分析及对策

    Analysis of Breakaway of Terminal Anchoring Clamp for Messenger Wire and its Counter-measures

  6. 采用组合承力索线夹的支柱装配计算数学模型的优化设计

    Optimum design on computational mathematics model for supporting pillar of integrated catenary splice

  7. 接触线及承力索终锚线夹的改进探讨

    Improvement and Discussion on Terminal Anchoring Clamps of Contact Wire and Messenger Wire

  8. 接触网承力索磨损的措施研究

    Study on Catenary Wear of Overhead Contact Wire System

  9. 接触网承力索架线一次到位施工技术

    At-a-time Construction Technology for Stringing OCS Messenger Wire

  10. 我国铜及铜合金接触线与承力索的研究和创新

    The Research and Development of Copper and Copper Alloy Contact Wires and Messenger Wires

  11. 广深线悬吊滑轮磨损承力索问题的探讨

    Discussion on Problems of Wear of Messenger Wire by Suspension Pulley Applied in Guangzhou-Shenzhen Railway

  12. 铝包钢芯铝绞线载流承力索的研制

    To Develop the Load - Bearing Rope of Carrier Current for Aluminium - clad Wire Strand

  13. 复铝钢绞线载流承力索连续挤压硅包覆工艺的研究

    Study on the Continous Extrusion Cladding Technology of the Carrier Current Cables With Clad Aluminium Steel Strands

  14. 在更换承力索的施工中,由于无超拉设备,控制承力索的抬升量是施工的关键。

    The control of messenger wire uplift is the key during the replacement construction of messenger wire without stretching equipment .

  15. 铜包钢双金属线材既有良好的导电和抗腐蚀性能,又有较高的机械强度,是一种较好的承力索和吊弦线材。

    Copper Clad Steel wire rod presents with good corrosion resistance , electrical conductivity and mechanical strength , and a becomes better choice of material for messenger and droppers .

  16. 风力影响飞弹等发射物受到的风力影响承力索张力对弓网受流质量影响研究

    The effect of wind on the course of a projectile . Study of The influence of Current-receiving Quality Between Pantograph and OCS from Tensile Force Acting on Catenary Wire

  17. 为了实现覆冰接触网的状态评估,对不同覆冰厚度时的接触网的静态响应进行仿真分析,得到了接触线和承力索下锚处的位移的变化规律。

    In order to realize the condition evaluation of icing catenary , static response of the catenary under different ice thicknesses are simulated , variations of contact wire and messenger wire anchorage displacement are deduced .

  18. 该结构主要由门式钢桁架与承力索组成,还有一些附属设施,如绝缘子、腕臂、吊柱等。

    The structure mainly by the gate-type steel truss formed with the load-bearing cable , there are a number of subsidiary structures , such as insulator , wrist and arm , hanging column and so on .

  19. 本文以秦沈客运专线电气化工程为背景,详细介绍了采用组合承力索线夹的支柱装配计算的数学模型的建立过程。

    With the electrification of Qinhuangdao-Shenyang railway line for passenger transportation as a background , the paper presents in detail the process of establishing the mathematical model for computation of mast assembly with integral messenger wire clamp adopted .

  20. 本文介绍了广深线悬吊滑轮磨损承力索的问题,探讨了磨损的原因和机理,介绍了此磨损问题解决的办法。

    S : this paper introduces the problems of wear of messenger wire by suspension pulley applied in Guangzhou - Shenzhen railways , discusses the causes and principles of wear , and raises the solutions to this problem of wear .

  21. 研究结论:道岔柱应采用双腕臂结构、特殊设计来避免承力索间相互碰磨、改善承力索悬挂结构及使用承力索预型保护条。

    Research conclusions : The structure of double cantilevers and special design should be adopted to turnout mast for the purpose of avoiding wear between catenaries , improving suspension structure of catenary and allowing usage of preformed protection line for catenary .

  22. 本文介绍一种新的承力索架设方法&张力等效负载法,该方法可以提高承力索的架设速度,增强承力索架设过程中的安全性,满足承力索架设一次到位的要求。

    The paper introduces a new method ― tension equivalent loading method which may increase the speed in stringing of messenger wire , assure the safety in course of stringing of messenger wire and meet the requirement of stringing of messenger wire at-a-time .

  23. 接触网是高速铁路运营最为直接相关的架空设备,由接触悬挂、支持结构、承力索等部分组成。

    OCS is the most directly correlative overhead equipments for the high-speed railway operate . It makes up by parts of contact hanging supporting structure and load-carrying cable etc. By the development of high-speed railway , the portal structure has gradually become develop trend for OCS supporting structure .

  24. 仿真分析了动态荷载作用下棘轮补偿器的传动效率的变化规律,对比理论分析结果显示两者较为符合,同时得到了利用接触线或承力索下锚处的位移计算坠砣位移的方法。

    Variation of transmission efficiency of tension wheel equipment under dynamic load is analyzed by simulation , comparison with the theoretical analysis result reflects that both fairly conform to each other , also calculation method of balance weight displacement through contact wire or messenger wire anchorage displacement is deduced .