
  1. 承诺生效即合同成立。

    A contract is established when the acceptance becomes effective .

  2. 第二十五条承诺生效时合同成立。

    Article25A contract is established when the acceptance becomes effective .

  3. 承诺生效时合同成立。承诺生效的地点为合同成立的地点。

    The place where the acceptance becomes effective is the place of formation of a contract .

  4. 承诺生效时合同成立。当事人不合法的行为无法成立一个有效的合同。

    A contract is formed once the acceptance becomes effective . A contract cannot arise out of an illegal act .

  5. 论英美法合同承诺的生效规则

    On the Rules About How Acceptance Take Effect in Contract Law in Anglo-American Legal System

  6. 电子要约和电子承诺的生效时间应以到达主义为标准。

    The effective time of the electronic offer and electronic acceptance should be based on the standard of arriving doctrine .

  7. 如获得授标,我们承诺在相关保险生效之前,将禁止所有项目人员进入工作区和开始作业。

    If we were awarded the tender , we promise that all the project personnel are banned from the work areas to start the operation before related insurance takes effect .

  8. 第四部分根据交易方式的不同对电子承诺的方式进行了归纳,特别指明了电子承诺生效的时间;

    The fourth part summarizes the ways of electronic acceptance according to the different ways of transactions and indicates the time when electronic acceptance becomes effective .