
shōu yì shuì
  • Income tax;income/profit/gains tax
  1. 他呼吁进行资本收益税改革。

    He called for the reform of capital gains tax .

  2. 他已经作出退让,许诺降低资本收益税。

    He has climbed down on pledges to reduce capital gains tax .

  3. 缴纳资本收益税

    to pay capital gains tax

  4. Buffet和许多其他富有的美国人通常支付比较低的税率,这是因为他们通过投资赚取了大量的钱,而对于这些收入只需要支付15%的投资收益税。

    Buffet and many other rich Americans often pay a lower tax rate because they make their millions and millions from investments and pay a capital gains tax of just 15 % .

  5. 资本收益税增益:100;

    Capital gain tax Increase the benefit : 100 ;

  6. 你如果出售这幅画,你就必须支付资本收益税。

    If you sell the painting you will have to pay capital-gains tax .

  7. 这种支付款项可免交资本收益税。

    Such payments are free of capital gains tax .

  8. 随后资本损失被转移,使乐富门避免缴纳资本收益税。

    The capital losses were then transferred to enable Rothmans to avoid capital gains tax .

  9. 我国出口骗税成因及治理资本收益税

    Export-duty Evasion in China capital gain tax

  10. 高税收纳税者的资本收益税提高到28%。

    Capital Gains Tax for higher rate taxpayers will go up from midnight to 28 % .

  11. 第三,对投资收益税和资本利得税开征时机的选择提出了独到的见解。

    Third , having original insights on the opportunity of levying investment yield tax and capital gains tax .

  12. 还有一些人不愿意透露他们的财产,担心会被征收股票收益税。

    Others hesitate to report their true profits , for fear of a potential tax collection on their stock incomes .

  13. 只有调整增值税、各种特许权税或劳动所得税或资本收益税,才会真正起作用。

    Only changes in value added tax , various excise taxes or taxes on earned and capital income can make a real difference .

  14. 延长减税将刺激投资者保留股票因为他们明年将不会遭受更高的资本收益税。

    Extending the cuts would motivate investors to hold stocks since they wouldn 't be subject to higher capital gains taxes next year .

  15. 葡萄牙中左翼联盟政府公布五十年来最大削减开支计划,增加资本收益税和公司盈利税。

    Portugal 's centre-right coalition government unveiled the biggest cuts to spending in50 years , an increase in capital-gains tax and a levy on company profits .

  16. 从宏观调控的角度看,可以采取三种措施来降低噪音交易者的交易:公开市场操作;征收交易税;征收短期资本收益税。

    From macro control aspects , three measures should be taken to reduce the noise trade : open market operation ; trade tax and short-term capital income tax .

  17. 股市对资本收益税和储蓄的减少基本持欢迎态度,而扩张型财政政策缓和了网络泡沫破灭的冲击。

    Equity markets generally welcomed cuts in capital gains tax and on savings , and an expansionary fiscal policy helped cushion the blow after the bursting of the dotcom bubble .

  18. 我国的农业税名义上(法定的)是收益税,形式上是资源税,本质上是对农业生产行为征税,是行为税。

    Our farming produce tax possesses the quality of revenue taxing legality , the resources one in formality , yet the behavior one for imposing tax on an act of farming producing .

  19. 然而,目前许多问题仍然没有确定的答案,包括股票收益税、资产托管等,导致许多相关方面(特别是资产管理公司)产生担忧。

    However , lingering uncertainties over various issues – including the taxes on share gains and the custody of assets – have caused concerns for many of those involved , especially asset managers .

  20. 从明年起,韩国政府将开征一项留存收益税,并将采取其他措施,引导大企业通过工资和分红的方式将利润更多地分配出去。

    From next year , a tax on retained earnings is likely to come into force . Other measures will cajole big companies into distributing more of their profits in wages and dividends .

  21. 具体说来,慈善组织可享受的税收优惠包括收益税、消费税、行为税和所得税四大类;捐赠人亦可享受遗产税等税收优惠。

    Specifically , charitable organizations can enjoy four main categories of tax benefits , including profit tax , consumption tax , behavior tax and income tax ; the donators can also enjoy the tax benefits of estate duty , etc. .

  22. 建议在宏观经济形势进一步好转后,考虑适当上调利率,协调本外币利率政策,适当时机开征金融收益税,坚持已经实行的存款实名制。

    This paper gives such suggestions , which are raising interest rate when macro-economic performance is improved , coordinating policies on domestic currency interest rate and foreign currency interest rate , taxing on financial returning , and persisting in real name deposit system .

  23. 因此我们采取了数项措施来帮助他们:对投资的资本收益所得税进行减免。

    So we proposed steps to get them that help : Eliminating capital gains taxes on investments .

  24. 第二节从纳税主体认定、信托收益所得税特征两个方面对英国、美国、加拿大和新西兰国家信托所得税制度进行了比较。

    The second section compares the trust income tax systems of Britain , the United States , Canada , and New Zealand , on the two aspects of tax payer identification and trust gain income tax feature .

  25. 没有财富,资本收益或地产税。

    No wealth , capital gains or estate taxes .

  26. 合并会计报表的所得税问题刍探&浅谈子公司净收益引起所得税的抵销

    Income and Expense Statement A Probe into the Income Tax of Combined Accounting Statement

  27. 税后收益率或税相当于是与市政债券大多使用。

    The after tax yield or tax equivalent is used with Municipal Bonds mostly .

  28. 更低的公司盈利税率会抵消由更高的资本收益和股息税带来的损害。

    A lower corporate rate would offset the harm of higher capital gains and dividend taxes .

  29. 核心货币国家收取铸币收益、通货膨胀税和来自外围货币国家的贸易保险费用。

    The core currency system harvests seigniorage profit by issuing international trade dollars , exports inflation without restrictions and fees from outer currency countries for their trade security concern .

  30. 目前,股东不仅需要按全额税率(已上升至约13%)为资本收益支付所得税,而且还得补缴政策追溯期限内曾免掉的50%的税款。

    Now , not only will stockholders have to pay the full tax rate on capital gains , which has risen to about 13 % , but they 'll also be billed retroactively for 50 % of the taxes they excluded .