
zhí jiē bǎo xiǎn
  • direct insurance
  1. 保险经纪包括直接保险经纪和再保险经纪。

    Insurance brokerage includes direct insurance brokerage and re insurance brokerage .

  2. 在开放的保险市场上,保险人想依靠直接保险业务获得丰厚利润是件困难的事情。

    In open insurance market , it is a difficult thing that insurers want to obtain great profits depending on the direct insurance .

  3. 再保险市场作为保险市场的重要组成部分,与直接保险市场相互依存、相互促进。

    Being an important component of the insurance market , the reinsurance market has been interdependence and mutual promotion with the direct insurance market .

  4. 保险领域的道德风险,不仅仅发生在直接保险交易中,而且发生在再保险交易中。

    Abstract : The moral risks in the field of insurance occur not only in direct insurance transactions , but also in reinsurance transactions .

  5. 本报告分析了消费者对于直接保险提议的需求以及研究了一些市场主要行业参与者。

    This executive presentation looks at what consumers want from a direct insurance proposition and examines some of the key players in the market .

  6. 本文运用博弈论和保险理论研究再保险定价中直接保险人自留额和最优自留比例以及最有再保险保费的相关问题。

    This paper made a research about the retention and the best retention rate of direct insurer with the method of game theory and insurance theory .

  7. 直接保险市场的发展是再保险市场发展的基础和前提,再保险市场的发展也将在资本融通、风险管理和技术传导方面,为直接保险市场的发展提供可靠的支持与保障。

    The development of the direct insurance market is the foundation and prerequisite for the development of the reinsurance market , The development of reinsurance market will provide a reliable support and protection for the development of reinsurance market in the capital intermediation , risk management and technology transfer .

  8. 再保险市场的健全和完善是保险市场健康稳定发展的必要保证,然而我国再保险市场发展严重滞后于直接保险市场,再保险供给能力不足、效率低下等问题突出。

    A healthy Reinsurance market ensures the healthy and stable development of the whole insurance market ; but the development of Chinese reinsurance market falls far behind of that of the direct insurance market ; some problems such as insufficiency and low efficiency are rather severe in the reinsurance market .

  9. 本人/我们之投资买卖合约直接与保险公司签定。

    I / We understand that the contract is made with insurance company ( AVIVA ) .

  10. 当今世界,法律规定受害人对保险人有直接请求保险赔偿金的权利,已成为各国的立法潮流和趋势。

    It has become the international mainstream and trend that the victim has direct legally-endorsed claim to insurers for insurance benefits .

  11. 国家以让税和财政补贴的方式承担费用,而单位和个人以直接缴纳保险费的方式承担费用。

    The country bears cost with allowing the kind of duty and finance allowance , and unit and individual bear cost with the means of direct pay insurance premium .

  12. 如果使用电子化记账,记录会直接到达保险公司,不但经济,而且有效率。想一想,没有任何复制的费用。

    Automatic electronic billing direct to the insurance company would not only be more economical it would certainly be more efficient – just think , no more duplication of tests .

  13. 对汽车消费贷款保证保险性质的不同认识,将直接导致保险纠纷在司法审判中适用不同的法律,也将导致信贷发放机构和保险公司之间不同的责任承担。

    Different definition about its legal nature will lead to different application of law in judicial practice . So , it will cause different responsibilities between credit institutions and insurance companies .

  14. 传统的依靠业务人员直接推销保险单的销售模式显得势单力薄,保险产品单一,同业间模仿率高,创新性不足。

    Rely on traditional direct marketing business of insurance sales model is weak , and insurance products of a single , industry imitation of a high rate , lack of innovation .

  15. 近代中国“银险一体化”有两种主要形式:一是银行直接投资保险业;二是银行代理保险公司业务。

    In modern China the specific phenomenon " Integration of bank and insurance " appeared in two ways : banks directly invest the insurance and banks serve as an agent of the insurance company .

  16. 且我国目前的机动车第三者责任保险合同并无直接赔付保险金于受害第三者的规定;

    Moreover , presently , for the contracts on the third party liability insurance for motor vehicles , there is no provision in China on direct payment of the insurance money to the aggrieved third party ;

  17. 保险公司是市场经济中以经营风险为主要功能的特殊企业,风险经营能力的水平与合理性,直接关系保险公司的企业绩效。

    Insurance company is the special enterprise with " risk management " as the main function in the market economy . The level and rationality of risk management ability have the direct impact on the firm performance .

  18. 保险产品质量的度量成本是一种交易成本,直接影响保险市场交易活动,成为制约保险业发展的重要因素。

    Insurance product quality 's measurement cost is a kind of trading cost , directly affecting trading activities on the insurance market . Therefore it has become an important factor that restricts development of the insurance industry .

  19. 因此,笔者认为应该承认第三人向保险人直接请求保险赔偿金的权利。这种直接的请求权既可以由法律规定,也可以由专家责任保险合同双方当事人约定。

    The scope of professional responsibility insurance is limited by the insurance contract of professional responsibility . The direct claim of the third party includes the direct claim stipulated by the law or that agreed in professional responsibility insurance contract .

  20. 保险条款是保险合同的主要内容,直接规定保险合同当事人的权利和义务,对保险合同当事人具有约束力,是保险合同得以履行的依据和条件。

    Clauses is the main content of insurance contract , set the right of insurance contract party and obligation directly , have sanction to insurance contract party , it is the basis that insurance contract is able to fulfill and condition .

  21. 责任险与狭义的财产保险相比具有保险标的不够明确、风险难以控制等特征,其风险管理水平将直接影响保险公司的经营与效益。

    Because of the subject of insurance is not sufficiently clear and the risk is difficult to be controled for Liability insurance compared to property insuranc , the level of its risk management will directly affect the operation and efficiency of insurance companies .

  22. 被保险人对第三人应负失赔偿责任确定时,第三人得在保险金额范围,内依其应得之比例,直接向保险人请求给付赔偿金额。

    Where the insured has been determined liable to indemnify a third party for loss , the third party may claim for payment of indemnification , within the scope of the insured amount and based on the ratio to which the third party is entitled , directly from the insurer .

  23. 众议院法案中的提议将不得不与供应方协调费率,而不是像改革派们期望的那样直接使用医疗保险率。

    The one in the House bill would have to negotiate rates with providers , rather than using Medicare rates , as many reformers wanted .

  24. 保险纠纷的解决直接关系到保险业的发展,所以,在选择解决方式时,既要发挥和解和诉讼解决纠纷的作用,更要进一步扩大仲裁的作用。

    To solve insurance dispute is important for the development of insurance industry .

  25. 如果投保的险别不是造成损失的直接原因,保险公司不予赔偿。

    The insurance company will not entertain the claim if the risk covered is not the proximate cause of the loss .

  26. 新政府已经在上院提出了一项允许更多外国直接投资进入保险业的法案。

    The government has already introduced an insurance bill allowing more foreign direct investment in the sector into the upper house .

  27. 若故意犯罪并非保险事故发生的直接原因,保险人不能当然免责。

    Thirdly , the insurer can 't certainly excuse non-compliance , if the intentional crime isn 't the direct reason of the insurance accident .

  28. 第三者船舶沉没引起的航道清理费用应属于直接损失由保险人予以赔偿;

    The expenditure arising from clearing channel caused by ships of a third party belongs to direct loss and should be indemnified by the insurer ;

  29. 保险资金运用是保险业生存发展的重要支柱,直接影响着保险公司的稳健经营和健康发展。

    The use of insurance funds is an important pillar to the development of insurance industry , which influences the insurance company 's management directly .

  30. 年轻人失业问题和任何其他失业问题具有几乎同样的直接成本:保险费用支出增加,所得税税收的下降以及人才能力的浪费。

    Youth unemployment has direct costs in much the same way all unemployment does : increased benefit payments ; lost income-tax revenues ; wasted capacity .