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  1. 按河道形态,河流分为4类:(1)顺直河;(2)曲流河;

    According to the shape of the channel , rivers can be classified into four groups : ( 1 ) straight rivers , ( 2 ) meandering rivers , ( 3 ) braided rivers , and ( 4 ) anastomosed rivers .

  2. 应用大庆油田开发的相控建模软件(ISGR)建立了四种河流相非均质砂岩油藏概念模型:辫状河、曲流河、低弯曲分流河、顺直分流河。

    Four types of fluvial facies heterogenous sandstone oil reservoir conceptual models have been built based on facies controlled model building software ( IS-GR ) developed by Daqing oilfield . They include the models for braid river , meandering river , low-sinuosity distributary channel and straight distributary channel .

  3. 顺直冲积性河道河相关系和稳定指标研究

    Experimental Study on Regime Relationship and Stability Index Mark of Straight Alluvial River

  4. 黄河下游具有辫状河流、弯曲河流和微弯顺直河流3种河型。

    There are three channel patterns along the Lower Yellow River , namely braided , meandering and straight .